
Is Canada's Environment Minister Bullying Poor Countries at the Climate Talks?

Mike De Souza, Postmedia News December 3, 2011 DURBAN, South Africa — Signs of progress emerged Saturday at international climate change negotiations as thousands took to the streets urging global leaders to step up their efforts. Details here.

Three Quarters of Climate Change is Man-Made

 Quirin Schiermeier - 04 December 2011 - Nature Independent study quantifies human influence  on global warming.  Details here. Lk. Manitoba PLT photo

Once Again, The National "Afflicts the Afflicted and Comforts the Comfortable!" (Letter)

If you like my blog, please consider a donation.Thanks!Larry Dear Editor, I think the CBC should change its name from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to the Canadian Business Corporation. Boy, has Big Oil ever found a friend in important branches of our national broadcaster! While there are, mercifully, some notable exceptions (such as "The Current" and "Quirks & Quarks," - radio programs who actually tell the truth about climate change), The National still lags far behind, with its pro-industry bias still out there for all to see.  Lately, the Corporation has found a new "darling" in the likes of David Wilkins, a former US Ambassador to Canada. Wilkins now gets his paycheques from the Canadian oil industry!  David Wilkins, (l.) "ambassdor-for-hire"    But The National didn't see fit to mention that when he led the newscast the other night, spouting his pro-oil, anti-science propaganda. Ironically, the Radio

Global Leaders Call On Canada To Fight Climate Change In New Ad

Huffington Post Nov 30-'11 WASHINGTON -- African leaders including Archbishop Desmond Tutu have released an ad calling on Canada to step up the battle against global warming, rather than actively promote the use of its tar sands. Details here. Also watch the video, below, with activist Zodwa Rannyadi of Soweto.

Still in Superbug Denial: FDA Rejects Petitions to Stop Feeding Antibiotics to Healthy Livestock.

OnEarth Nov 29-'11 No one can accuse the FDA of rushing to judgement. Details here. PLT: You don't suppose this is because "Big Food Agri-Biz" is calling the shots here? Naaaah! And we wonder why there is an Occupy Movement!

Is Climate Change Boosting a Lethal Disease in Australia?

The Daily Climate - Nov 29 - '11   Fruit bat by Merlin Tuttle, Bat Conservation International For 17 years, the Hendra virus smoldered in its host bat population, only rarely crossing to humans. Then it exploded, likely triggered by heavy rains and floods in Australia earlier this year. And that has public health doctors nervous about climate change. Details here.