
Scientists Uncover New Ocean Threat From Plastics

By Steve Connor, Science Editor - the Independent - Thursday, 20 August 2009 . Plastic pollution is not just unsightly but it could be to toxic to humans and animals. The North Pacific Gyre, which traps untold amounts of plastic particles in its eddies. (Credit: Algalita Marine Research Foundation)

A Cleanup Begins - but Concerns Remain Over the Massive Straw-Bale Piles at Elie, Manitoba

by Larry Powell - (Please also note comments at bottom.) A resident of Elie, Manitoba, Linda Aquin, says she worries that the massive backlog of straw-bales stored near the town will catch fire, resulting in the release of toxic chemicals. Aquin and her husband operate a bed-&-breakfast in the small town on the Trans Canada Highway, west of Winnipeg. She says Dow Bio Products which owns the now defunct s t rawboard plant, has hired exterminators to control the rodents living in the straw. She believes they used a poison possibly containing arsenic for this purpose. If a fire breaks out, she adds, she doesn't know what could happen. But, it could be like a chemical fire and if the wind is in the wrong direction, results could be serious. She says a fire at the Elie school some time ago produced toxic smoke when some plastic chairs burned. "We couldn't breath and had to get out of there," she remarked. She fears a similar incident, only on a larger scale, c

Methane Seeps From Arctic Sea-Bed

By Judith Burns - Science reporter, BBC News. Photo by Peter Hollinger Scientists say they have evidence that the powerful greenhouse gas methane is escaping from the Arctic sea-bed.

Alberta RCMP Use Re-Enactment to Help Find Wild Horse Killers

Wed Aug 19 - By The Canadian Press SUNDRE, Alta. - Mounties hope a Crime Stoppers re-enactment will help them find who is killing wild horses in the Alberta foothills. Photo courtesy Canadian Geographic Editor's note: Once again, our inhumanity to our fellow creatures shows no bounds. l.p.

Is Our Last Chance to Preserve Life On Earth Slipping Away?

By Larry Schweiger , Fulcrum Publishing . August 17, 2009. Shallow news coverage causes most Americans to underestimate the urgency of the threat of global warming.

Soaring Population May Swamp Anti-Poverty Goals

Published on Monday, August 17, 2009 by Inter Press Service by Thalif Deen UNITED NATIONS - The U.N.'s Millennium Development Goals, already undermined by the global financial crisis, are expected to take another hit - this time from rising population growth. courtesy of The Boston Globe