Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

States of Terror

Chris Hedges - OpEd News
Another jihadi terrorist attack in the United States will extinguish what remains of our anemic democracy. Fear will be even more fervently stoked and manipulated by the state. The remnants of our civil liberties will be abolished.  We will beg our masters to save us. We will be paralyzed by the psychosis of permanent war. More here.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Freedom Isn’t Free, Terrorism Is Pervasive

By Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet
Enduring occasional acts of random terror is the cost of living in a free society. Giving up civil liberties does not provide security, but rather enslaves you in a state of pervasive terror. The human family is threatened by systematized eco-terrorism and other assaults by the elite upon the poor far more than by infrequent criminal acts which the courts can and should handle. Full essay here.

International Court of Justice Hearings on the Obligations of States in Respect of Climate Change

International Institute for Sustainable Development The International Court of Justice will issue an advisory opinion on the  obligations of...