Showing posts with label Poliltics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poliltics. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Wexit and climate pollution: a tale of two Canadas

National Observer
This PinP photo was taken along a highway construction project in SK.
There are already two Canadas when it comes to climate pollution, and they've been heading in opposite directions for years. A successful "Wexit" would split them into two separate countries: One would become the world's most climate polluting country per person, with an economy twice as dirty as China's. Story here.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Julie Payette dares to be interesting with comments on climate, astrology, and divine intervention


The governor general speaks up for science over certain beliefs. Story here.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Rooting Out Democracy

George Monbiot
The Sheffield tree massacre is one result of the monstrous, impenetrable officialdom that neoliberalism creates. Story here. 
Here in Canada, trees are also treated as a nuisance, to be gotten rid of. They rarely win the battle when "Big Ag" decides they have to go. Just watch the video, below, to see what we mean. PinP

Friday, April 14, 2017

Chronicling the Misdeeds of my Member of Parliament. (Opinion)

by Larry Powell

While he has never gotten my vote, Robert Sopuck managed to climb aboard the tide of rural populism in 2010, becoming a loyal team player for Stephen Harper and MP from the Dauphin/Swan River/Neepawa riding, where he remains to this day. He's a member of the Conservative Party of Canada which I've lovingly re-named, "The Cynical Party of Canada."

Sopuck's latest transgression (now making the rounds on social media), captures him insulting the Green Party Leader, Elizabeth May in the House by suggesting she can't handle numbers. The Speaker ordered him to apologize (which he did sullenly and reluctantly). 
Above is the newspaper ad Sopuck is running at Easter. (So much for separation of church and State.)

This is the same MP who:

  •  has supported in the House, the brutal practise of "shark-finning" where sharks (often endangered species) are harvested for their fins only & thrown back alive into the ocean:
  •  spoken in favour of the asbestos industry, arguing the product is safe:
  •  refused to attend an important election forum in his riding on child poverty (which all other candidates attended):
  •  labelled as "anti-semitic" those who campaign for justice for Palestinians: 
  • posted a video from a Commons Committee hearing, showing him browbeating a hapless Environment CA scientist into "admitting" that climate change was really no big deal in CA because we "contribute so little," and:
  • Posted another video of him hunting in the Yukon. The title? "The Making of a Legend." 
    His latest insult of Elizabeth May is just another in a long line of incidents depicting a man with a Messiah complex who thinks he can behave like a jerk and still get re-elected. Maybe in the next campaign, we need to show him that he cannot.

    Really Bob, is this the way Jesus would behave? You had better watch out, because He is coming back, you know! Let's hope it's not in your lifetime, tho. Hasn't He suffered enough already?

    Friday, March 10, 2017

    Time for a corruption inquiry in BC


    The sheer scale of fossil fuel influence revealed in the new research is shocking to us, even by Wild West standards: Story here.

    Sunday, February 26, 2017

    The ad they don't want you to see.

    Dogwood Initiative
    Unreal! The ad we booked to run in Helijet magazine has just been denied!

    This is the ad both Helijet and their in-flight magazine publisher approved last week.


    So why are they backing out now?

    Monday, February 6, 2017

    Making America Ungovernable

    Chris Hedges
    Donald Trump's regime is rapidly reconfiguring the United States into an authoritarian state. All forms of dissent will soon be criminalized. Civil liberties will no longer exist. Corporate exploitation, through the abolition of regulations and laws, will be unimpeded. Global warming will accelerate. A repugnant nationalism, amplified by government propaganda, will promote bigotry and racism. Hate crimes will explode. New wars will be launched or expanded. Story here.

    Sunday, December 25, 2016

    My Latest Letter. Will it Make You Angry? I Hope So! (But Not at Me!)

    by Larry Powell

    It’s like a nightmare in slow-motion.

    Just when you think Trump has made the worst possible choice for his cabinet, he announces another who’s even worse. 

    Friday, December 9, 2016

    Don't let Scott Pruitt rip up our environmental protections!

    Friends of
    the Earth

    Pruitt's record on the environment is terrible. And as head of the EPA, he'll be able to roll back our protections for the planet -- from the Clean Power Plan to rules on pollutants like methane. Please Donate!

    Tuesday, August 30, 2016

    The Purse is Mightier Than the Pen

    by George Monbiot

    What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. The media turns us away from the issues that will determine the course of our lives, and towards topics of brain-melting irrelevance. Story here.

    Thursday, April 28, 2016

    Fighting Climate Change Will Create Jobs, But Only if We Want It To

    Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
    We can now add political party conventions to the list of potential disasters caused by climate change. Story here.

    Tuesday, January 12, 2016

    Bernie Sanders is First to Sign 'Fix Democracy' Pledge Rejecting Fossil Fuel Cash

    "It's time for Hillary Clinton and anyone with serious White House aspirations to match Sander's leadership," says Greenpeace. More here.

    Saturday, December 12, 2015

    Rachel Notley Assassination Chatter 'Needs to Stop,' Wildrose Leader Says

    CBC News
    'I have a zero tolerance policy for such comments,' Brian Jean says after death threats appear online. More here.

    Tuesday, October 20, 2015

    Campaigners Bid Harper Adieu While Vowing to Hold Liberals Accountable

    Common Dreams

    Yes, Trudeau's sweeping win was a repudiation of "negative, divisive politics" in favor of "a positive vision that brings Canadians together"—but the new prime minister still has much to prove. Details here.

    Sunday, October 18, 2015

    Canada Election: How Stephen Harper’s Fossil Fuel Gamble May Have Backfired


    The Conservative prime minister pledged to make the country an ‘energy superpower’, but with the election ahead and many Alberta residents struggling to make ends meet, a promise has become a liability for Harper. Story here.

    Saturday, October 17, 2015

    Canada's Liberals Knew Their Campaign Co-Chair Worked for Pipeline Company

    Vice News
    Canada's Liberal party knew Dan Gagnier was working as co-chair of the Liberal campaign while he worked as a consultant for major pipeline company TransCanada. Story here.

    Thursday, October 15, 2015

    Former Liberal Campaign Co-Chair Was Being Paid by TransCanada


    Former Liberal campaign co-chair Daniel Gagnier has been working for months for TransCanada Corp., helping it with its controversial Energy East pipeline, while at the same time working as an key advisor to Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau. Details here.

    Tuesday, October 13, 2015

    Freed Canadian Journalist Slams Stephen Harper for 'Abandoning' Him in Egyptian Prison


    Canadian journalist Mohamed Fahmy says he'll continue to advocate for press freedoms and the rights of other detained journalists. Story here.

    Wednesday, October 7, 2015

    Writer Laments Absence of MP From Poverty Debate.

    Dear Editor, 

    I’m disappointed that our Conservative Member of Parliament, Robert Sopuck did not attend the forum on child poverty here in Neepawa recently. 

    Sunday, October 4, 2015

    When Canada Took Away Captain Paul Watson's Passport on Behalf of Japan


    Despite being a Canadian going back fourteen generations to 1587, Sea Shepherd captain and anti-whaling activist Paul Watson can no longer enter Canada because Stephen Harper took away his passport to placate Japanese whalers. Story here.

    Elon Musk responds to allegations he made a Nazi salute at the Trump inauguration.

    Please click here for video.