In The Lancet's Series, a new lens is applied to events from Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Fukushima, for a better understanding of the health challenges faced by populations exposed to radiation from man-made disasters. Details here.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Conservative Insider Won Huge Contract to Build Harper’s Arctic Project
A hugely expensive public contract to build an Arctic research station —promoted by Prime Minister Stephen Harper —went to a joint venture that included a company run by a Conservative Party insider with close ties to Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, the National Observer has confirmed. Story here.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Scientists Say Supposedly Miraculous Ingredients in Weed Killers Don't Actually Work
Mother Jones
A "crop-duster" doing its thing on a canola crop in Manitoba, Canada. PinP photo.
In this article, journalist Tom Philpott illustrates once again, the “wild west,” unregulated nature of industrial agriculture. Story here.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
European Mining Dispute Illustrates Risks of Corporate-Friendly Trade Deals
Common Dreams
A Canadian corporation is seeking damages after being blocked from creating an open-pit mine over environmental concerns. Story here.Related: "Free Trade: Path to Prosperity - or Back Road to Corporatism?"
Monday, July 27, 2015
Celebrate the Life of Clare Powell in Regina on Sept. 13th!
Those who knew Clare are welcome to attend this event to share their memories.
"Little Brother" Larry.
Please also read:
Progressives Lose a "Gentle Warrior."Clare Powell Dies in Regina at 81.
"Little Brother" Larry.
Please also read:
Progressives Lose a "Gentle Warrior."Clare Powell Dies in Regina at 81.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
It Could Be Months Before We Know Why a Chinese-Owned Pipeline Burst in Alberta
The Nexen pipeline that spurted 5 million liters of thick, black bitumen emulsion into the northern Alberta wilderness could have been leaking for two weeks before it was discovered. Story here.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Condemnation After UK Lifts Ban on Bee-Killing Neonics
Temporary reversal on pesticide will allow farmers to access harmful chemicals for 120 days. Story here.
Health Professionals: be Prepared for Heatwaves
Heatwaves, periods of abnormally and uncomfortably hot and usually humid weather, are among the most dangerous natural hazards. Because of climate change, heatwaves are becoming increasingly frequent and intense, with 14 of the 15 warmest years on record all occurring in the 21st century. In 2003, the European heatwave resulted in deaths of more than 70 000 people. Story here.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Honeybees Show Evidence of Insecticide
The New York Times
PinP photo
More than 70 percent of pollen and honey samples collected from foraging bees in Massachusetts contained neonicotinoids, a type of insecticide that has been linked to colony collapse disorder, researchers are reporting. Story here.
The Great Wildfire Debate Lights Up Editorial Pages in Manitoba.
by Larry Powell
For simplicity, I'm putting the series of events discussed below, in chronological order.
First, I wrote the letter, immediately below, published in the Brandon Sun, Neepawa Press and Roblin Review in recent weeks.
We apparently lack the brain power to listen to and actually hear what the world's scientific community has been warning us about for over a generation. If we do nothing to curb our insatiable appetite for fossil fuels, we can expect more and worse heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and a host of other extreme weather events which are decidedly not positive, in our future. Our relentless burning of gas, oil and coal, apparently without a thought for tomorrow, produces greenhouse gases which trap the sun's heat and cause the earth's average temperature to increase.
We stayed in a hotel in Regina which was filling up fast with people who have had to flee their homes - "environmental refugees" from the north, now numbering some 13 thousand in total in Saskatchewan alone. That province is now in the midst of the largest evacuation in its history. These scenarios are unfolding pretty much as they have been predicted to do, if only anyone would listen!
One would think such spectacularly ominous events would give we mortals "cause for pause" - a chance to reconsider our ways.
Apparently not.
We drove to Prince Albert Park in Saskatchewan a couple of week ago. A road into the park is being "improved." We were treated to many kilometres of heavy equipment - caterpillars, front-end loaders, earth-scrapers, big trucks...all doing their part to scratch away at Mother Earth, emitting their own payloads of greenhouse gases into the air - just so "connoisseurs of the backcountry"can more easily access the wilderness with their luxury RVs - all on the comfort of a superhighway, of course.
In the face of this vast wildfire threat, Environment Canada has been scrambling to advise those with breathing problems, especially, to stay indoors. And, surprise, surprise, such people are reporting it harder to breathe!
I used to think that we humans wouldn't sit up and take notice of the climate crisis until we were gasping for air in the streets.
I was wrong.
We are gasping for air in the streets! And we are still turning a blind eye.
Dear Editor,
It's time to wake up and smell the smoke!
As wildfires rage around us on the Canadian prairies, forcing thousands of poor souls from their homes, we click our tongues and complain about sore eyes and reduced visibility on the roads. (Trust me, reduced visibility is the least of our worries.)
It's time to wake up and smell the smoke!
As wildfires rage around us on the Canadian prairies, forcing thousands of poor souls from their homes, we click our tongues and complain about sore eyes and reduced visibility on the roads. (Trust me, reduced visibility is the least of our worries.)
We apparently lack the brain power to listen to and actually hear what the world's scientific community has been warning us about for over a generation. If we do nothing to curb our insatiable appetite for fossil fuels, we can expect more and worse heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and a host of other extreme weather events which are decidedly not positive, in our future. Our relentless burning of gas, oil and coal, apparently without a thought for tomorrow, produces greenhouse gases which trap the sun's heat and cause the earth's average temperature to increase.
How much hotter will it get?
That question does not seem to be on the minds of most humans, who are more intent on climbing aboard another climate-destroying jet plane to get to the next Olympics on the other side of the world.
Even the common sea slug does not defile its own nest the way we do.
Just last March, I wrote a story I called, “Only Heroic Efforts Will Spare Earth’s Mighty Boreal Forest From the Worst Ravages of Climate Change.”
This in-depth, illustrated article documented the latest (and what should be now-familiar) warnings of world scientists. Unless we drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, the mean temperature in the Boreal, a band of mostly evergreen trees which girdles the globe, will continue to soar more than most any other place on Earth. If the peat bogs and permafrost underlying both the Boreal and Arctic continue to melt, all bets are off. A “carbon bomb” will be ignited and the “tinderbox effect” will only spread.
(The story appeared on my blog, Planet in Peril and in a couple of weeklies. Possibly afraid of losing lucrative ad contracts with Big Oil, Mass media show their cowardice and yellow-journalism by remaining largely silent on the link between this fossil-fuel consumption and the great "burning of the Boreal" now unfolding before our eyes and TV screens!)
A scant few months later, the stark warnings of the scientists quoted in the piece, are proving painfully correct, yet again. This immense eco-system is precisely where huge wildfires now rage, in Canada and Alaska. Maybe you've noticed. Smoke has now spread over entire provinces for thousands of square kilometres.
We drove all the way from Calgary to Regina recently (almost 800 kilometres). There was smoke all the way.
We stayed in a hotel in Regina which was filling up fast with people who have had to flee their homes - "environmental refugees" from the north, now numbering some 13 thousand in total in Saskatchewan alone. That province is now in the midst of the largest evacuation in its history. These scenarios are unfolding pretty much as they have been predicted to do, if only anyone would listen!
One would think such spectacularly ominous events would give we mortals "cause for pause" - a chance to reconsider our ways.
Apparently not.
We seem to worry more about avoiding the fires of Hell in the afterlife than we do about our own Hell, right here on Earth!
We drove to Prince Albert Park in Saskatchewan a couple of week ago. A road into the park is being "improved." We were treated to many kilometres of heavy equipment - caterpillars, front-end loaders, earth-scrapers, big trucks...all doing their part to scratch away at Mother Earth, emitting their own payloads of greenhouse gases into the air - just so "connoisseurs of the backcountry"can more easily access the wilderness with their luxury RVs - all on the comfort of a superhighway, of course.
In the face of this vast wildfire threat, Environment Canada has been scrambling to advise those with breathing problems, especially, to stay indoors. And, surprise, surprise, such people are reporting it harder to breathe!
I used to think that we humans wouldn't sit up and take notice of the climate crisis until we were gasping for air in the streets.
I was wrong.
We are gasping for air in the streets! And we are still turning a blind eye.
I guess I can only dream of the day when we might, in addition to taking the heroic efforts we are now - by bombing the flames and bringing in the army - all necessary steps now that we have let things go as far as we have - that we also change our behaviour in ways that improve our planet's chances over the long-term, too.
Oh, by the way, my story also included oft-repeated concerns by the scientists themselves, that we don't really pay enough attention to their advice.
Ya think?
Then, a Brandon Sun reader offered this comment, below.
(And below that is my follow-up letter.)
=======(And below that is my follow-up letter.)
Sound Off
Do not blame climate change
I do not agree with Larry Powell of Neepawa that if there are forest fires in the west, they must be caused by man-made climate change. How about lightning? How about arsonists? Or is he suggesting that without climate change, it wouldn't be dry and therefore nothing would catch fire? It is indeed dry this year but heck, we might be finally coming out of a 15-year wet cycle, which was getting rather monotonous. And how are we going to sustain life in western Canada without fossil fuel for energy? “Little House on the Prairie” days are over.
Just Mother Nature doing her job.
Regarding a Letter to the Editor, “Environment up in smoke.” Really? I would think this would have been pretty normal historically. We have just gone through an above normal period of wetness, more undergrowth and foliage in the prairies and all over the world, including the desert in Arizona. When it then gets hot and dry, it’s great kindling for big fires. Not unusual, not “government-fuelled” ... just Mother Nature doing her job.
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 21, 2015
Larry's response, submitted to The Sun, today.
Dear Editor,
Re; "Sound Off. Do not blame climate change." Brandon Sun. Jul. 21st, 2015.
The writer who takes me to task for suggesting a link between the wildfires still raging here and abroad, and manmade climate change, misses the point, entirely!
He makes it sound as if I invented such a link, in a lab in my back yard, or something. And his inference that the link belongs to me alone reveals, sadly, how unaware he seems to be, of the now rich body of scientific evidence which has accumulated, over decades, supporting my position.
While I may have used language a bit "cheekier" than our typically staid climatologists, I was but the messenger, conveying what they've been suggesting for many years. Climate change is bringing with it violent weather events, like wildfires, that are more severe and frequent all the time! Anyone who cannot see this for him/herself, should be checked over right away. They may have a terminal case of wilful blindness!
One of the several leading authorities I rely on for my conclusions is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. If the letter-writer is not familiar with the IPCC, I suggest he should remove himself from this debate for being basically uninformed. The IPCC is, after all, the cradle of the accumulated knowledge of our finest minds on the subject, since perhaps the 1980s. If he is familiar with it, I suggest he cite the sources he relies on himself, in arriving so swiftly and comfortably at his own conclusion that all this wisdom is somehow worthless. If he cannot cite his own sources, I suggest he has nothing more to say to me, or anyone else on the topic!
And, oh, by the way, since he wrote his letter, new wildfires have erupted near Kelowna, BC, Glacier National Park, Montana, Alaska and Indonesia. June (the month just passed), has been declared the hottest month, worldwide, in the history of record-keeping. 2015 is poised to become the world's hottest year. Major heatwaves in Europe and North America are happening closer together. Rising sea-levels are proving more serious and, if we take no action, harder to avoid than earlier thought.
And five countries, including Canada, have clamped a ban on commercial fishing in international waters in the Arctic until they find out how rising temperatures, now the warmest on record, will affect sea-life there.
Just "Mother Nature" acting up again?
I think not!
Larry Powell lives in Neepawa, where he publishes the blog,
There was also this response to my first letter, submitted to the Neepawa Press.
Dear Editor,
Fire is one of the main ways by which nutrients in dead trees are returned to the soil, and made ready for the next generation of trees. This cycle of fire and regrowth in forests was established millions of years before the emergence of humans.
It is sadly true that some fires are started by humans, but to claim that the current smoke and misery caused by forest fires is a result of man-made climate change is simply wrong.
Norm Kendall of Neepawa,
I then submitted this response to the Neepawa Press;
My recent letter in the Neepawa Press has brought quite a negative response from friends and others.
The misunderstanding is over the "link" that I drew between wildfires and manmade climate change. My critics apparently think such a link was my own idea! Nothing could be further from the truth! I was merely the messenger!
The letter warns that the greenhouse gases we are producing by burning oil, gas and coal, are leading to severe weather events, like droughts (which lead to wildfires), which are more frequent and serious all the time. But that is precisely what all the leading authorities on the topic, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), have been predicting for years. And, official records continue to prove, time and time again, that those predictions are correct!
So, disagree with me, if you will. Just let it be known that, by so doing, you are also disagreeing with the accumulated wisdom (and virtually complete consensus) of our top, renowned climatologists the world over, for many years; Not to mention the World Council of Churches, the mayors of Vancouver and New York, the Premiers of BC and Ontario, the US Military, the World Bank, the Church of England, the insurance industry and now, the Pope.
As for the suggestion that I, myself contribute to global warming, I plead "guilty as charged." All humans leave a carbon footprint. The best I can do is to try to keep mine small. So I drive a car which gets 45 miles per gallon and travel as much as I can by train, which is less damaging than air travel.
My letter was "sharply-worded"for a reason. In my experience, the "low-key" kind get no response at all. And, as our planet continues to be dangerously degraded by our current behaviour, remaining silent (or low-key) is not an option for me.
There was also this response to my first letter, submitted to the Neepawa Press.
Dear Editor,
Fire is one of the main ways by which nutrients in dead trees are returned to the soil, and made ready for the next generation of trees. This cycle of fire and regrowth in forests was established millions of years before the emergence of humans.
It is sadly true that some fires are started by humans, but to claim that the current smoke and misery caused by forest fires is a result of man-made climate change is simply wrong.
Norm Kendall of Neepawa,
I then submitted this response to the Neepawa Press;
Dear Editor,
I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding.
My recent letter in the Neepawa Press has brought quite a negative response from friends and others.
The misunderstanding is over the "link" that I drew between wildfires and manmade climate change. My critics apparently think such a link was my own idea! Nothing could be further from the truth! I was merely the messenger!
The letter warns that the greenhouse gases we are producing by burning oil, gas and coal, are leading to severe weather events, like droughts (which lead to wildfires), which are more frequent and serious all the time. But that is precisely what all the leading authorities on the topic, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), have been predicting for years. And, official records continue to prove, time and time again, that those predictions are correct!
So what did I mean by my reference to "manmade climate change?" Apparently some thought I was suggesting that every single wildfire was started directly by a human! Far from it. Worsening drought turns forests into kindling, ready to explode into flames, whether the source of ignition is a human with a match, a quad, or lightning.
Since my last letter, raging wildfires of epic proportions have plagued northern California and elsewhere, driving as many people from their homes as were evacuated in the disastrous fires in Saskatchewan earlier this summer. The California blazes confounded veteran firefighters, who've never seen anything like them.
So, disagree with me, if you will. Just let it be known that, by so doing, you are also disagreeing with the accumulated wisdom (and virtually complete consensus) of our top, renowned climatologists the world over, for many years; Not to mention the World Council of Churches, the mayors of Vancouver and New York, the Premiers of BC and Ontario, the US Military, the World Bank, the Church of England, the insurance industry and now, the Pope.
As for the suggestion that I, myself contribute to global warming, I plead "guilty as charged." All humans leave a carbon footprint. The best I can do is to try to keep mine small. So I drive a car which gets 45 miles per gallon and travel as much as I can by train, which is less damaging than air travel.
My letter was "sharply-worded"for a reason. In my experience, the "low-key" kind get no response at all. And, as our planet continues to be dangerously degraded by our current behaviour, remaining silent (or low-key) is not an option for me.
Larry Powell
Neepawa, MB
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Climate Scientist Warns Sea Levels Are Rising Faster Than We Thought
Limiting climate change to 2°C is not going to protect us from devastating sea level rise, a new report has found. Details here.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Canadians Entitled to “Realistic” Canadian Energy Strategy
Climate Action Network
Premiers have agreed to a Canadian Energy Strategy that fails to strongly steer the country toward the clean, renewable energy system needed to cut carbon pollution and protect the climate. Details here.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Canada Joins in Fishing Ban in the Arctic Due to Sea Warming
The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The United States and four other nations that border the Arctic Ocean pledged on Thursday to prohibit commercial fishing in the international waters of the Arctic until more scientific research could be done on how warming seas and melting ice are affecting fish stocks. Details here.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Widespread and Early Heatwaves Impact Northern Hemisphere, UN Weather Agency Warns
UN News Service.
Many parts of Europe have been impacted by a severe and unusually early heatwave since 27 June, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has said, warning of record-breaking temperatures and wildfires in North America and torrential downpours and widespread flooding in southern China. Story here.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Study: Global Warming Leads to Longer Flights, More Emissions
Climate change is causing wind patterns to change over the Pacific Ocean, leading to longer commercial airline flight times and causing airplanes to burn more fuel and emit more greenhouse gases. Story here.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
How Canada's Enviro-Minister Spent Her Day Not Attending a Climate Summit
What was so important that kept Leona Aglukkaq, an Inuk environment minister —the first ever to be appointed to a federal cabinet role — away from those talks? Story here.
NestlƩ is About to Suck the Canadian Province of British Columbia Dry - For $2.25 Per Million Litres.
of +
And the government is helping make it happen! Please help spread the word about this outrage!
Friday, July 10, 2015
It's Time to Wake Up and Smell the Smoke! (Letter)
by Larry Powell
It's time to wake up and smell the smoke!
Forest fire smoke (from as far away as BC) over southern Manitoba. PinP photo.
As wildfires rage around us on the Canadian prairies, forcing thousands of poor souls from their homes, we click our tongues and complain about sore eyes and reduced visibility on the roads. (Trust me, reduced visibility is the least of our worries.)
We apparently lack the brain power to listen to and actually hear what the world's scientific community has been warning us about for over a generation. If we do nothing to curb our insatiable appetite for fossil fuels, we can expect more and worse heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and a host of other extreme weather events which are decidedly not positive, in our future. Our relentless burning of gas, oil and coal, apparently without a thought for tomorrow, produces greenhouse gases which trap the sun's heat and cause the earth's average temperature to increase.
How much hotter will it get?
That question does not seem to be on the minds of most humans, who are more intent on climbing aboard another climate-destroying jet plane to get to the next Olympics on the other side of the world.
Even the common sea slug does not defile its own nest the way we do.
Just last March, I wrote a story I called, “Only Heroic Efforts Will Spare Earth’s Mighty Boreal Forest From the Worst Ravages of Climate Change.”
This in-depth, illustrated article documented the latest (and what should be now-familiar) warnings of world scientists. Unless we drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, the mean temperature in the Boreal, a band of mostly evergreen trees which girdles the globe, will continue to soar more than most any other place on Earth. If the peat bogs and permafrost underlying both the Boreal and Arctic continue to melt, all bets are off. A “carbon bomb” will be ignited and the “tinderbox effect” will only spread.
(The story appeared on my blog, Planet in Peril and in a couple of weeklies. Possibly afraid of losing lucrative ad contracts with Big Oil, Mass media show their cowardice and yellow-journalism by remaining largely silent on the link between this fossil-fuel consumption and the great "burning of the Boreal" now unfolding before our eyes and TV screens!)
A scant few months later, the stark warnings of the scientists quoted in the piece, are proving painfully correct, yet again. This immense eco-system is precisely where huge wildfires now rage, in Canada and Alaska. Maybe you've noticed. Smoke has now spread over entire provinces for thousands of square kilometres.
We drove all the way from Calgary to Regina recently (almost 800 kilometres). There was smoke all the way.
We stayed in a hotel in Regina which was filling up fast with people who have had to flee their homes - "environmental refugees" from the north, now numbering some 13 thousand in total in Saskatchewan alone. That province is now in the midst of the largest evacuation in its history. These scenarios are unfolding pretty much as they have been predicted to do, if only anyone would listen!
One would think such spectacularly ominous events would give we mortals "cause for pause" - a chance to reconsider our ways.
Apparently not.
We seem to worry more about avoiding the fires of Hell in the afterlife than we do about our own Hell (you know, the real one), right here on Earth!
We drove to Prince Albert Park in Saskatchewan a couple of week ago. A road into the park is being "improved." We were treated to many kilometres of heavy equipment - caterpillars, front-end loaders, earth-scrapers, big trucks...all doing their part to scratch away at Mother Earth, emitting their own payloads of greenhouse gases into the air - just so "connoisseurs of the backcountry"can more easily access the wilderness with their luxury RVs - all on the comfort of a superhighway, of course.
In the face of this vast wildfire threat, Environment Canada has been scrambling to advise those with breathing problems, especially, to stay indoors. And, surprise, surprise, such people are reporting it harder to breathe!
I used to think that we humans wouldn't sit up and take notice of the climate crisis until we were gasping for air in the streets.
I was wrong.
We are gasping for air in the streets! And we are still turning a blind eye.
I guess I can only dream of the day when we might, in addition to taking the heroic efforts we are now - by bombing the flames and bringing in the army - all necessary steps now that we have let things go as far as we have - that we also change our behaviour in ways that improve our planet's chances over the long-term, too.
Oh, by the way, my story also included oft-repeated concerns by the scientists themselves, that we don't really pay enough attention to their advice.
Ya think?
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Forest Fire Smoke Invades Manitoba Skies
Manitoba Co-Operator
Smokey western MB. PinP photo.
Thick smoke from neighbouring forest fires has been lingering over Manitoba but experts say it’s unlikely to impact plant growth. Story here.Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Welcome to an Extreme, Warming World
by David Suzuki - Common Dreams
My hometown, Vancouver, is in a rainforest, so we celebrate sunny days. People I talk to are enjoying the recent warm, dry weather, but they invariably add, "This isn't normal" — especially with all the smoke from nearby forest fires. Story here.
New Warnings After Vessel Breaks in 'Doomed' Shell Arctic Drilling Project
Common Dreams
Workers find 39-inch hole in hull of Shell vessel meant to safeguard controversial drilling operation in vulnerable Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Story here.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Creating Environmentally Literate Citizens
Manitoba Co-Operator
A new educational site is being developed in Rivers, Man., with the goal of immersing youth in natural surroundings to instil the importance of environmental issues. Story here.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists Call For Action To ‘Minimize The Substantial Risks Of Climate Change’
Climate Progress
Sixty years ago, Nobel laureates gathered on a tiny island in Western Europe and warned the world of the dangerous effects of nuclear weapons. Last Friday, on the same island, 36 Nobel Prize winners took up another cause: climate change, which they said poses a “threat of comparable magnitude” to nuclear war. Story here.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
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By Larry Powell In a sane world, the American people would be holding Trump's feet to the (wild) fire for doing absolutely nothing, or...
Are hungry kids a priority for the Harper government? by Larry Powell The forum (for the riding of Dauphin - Swan River - Neepawa) w...
by Larry Powell Planet In Peril has sorted through some of the confusion surrounding the absence of Robert Sopuck, the Conservative M...
Larry Powell Powell is a veteran, award-winning journalist based in Shoal Lake, Manitoba, Canada. He specialize in stories about agriculture...