Showing posts with label Sins of the Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sins of the Media. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How Fair is The National in its Coverage of Our Food Production Methods?

PLT: As you may have noticed, the CBC is giving wall-to-wall coverage to the story about pesticide residues being found in organic food. So, what about the story posted earlier this week on PLT, *"Pesticides Contaminating Prairie Wetlands, which has huge implications for both our environment and our health? Well, not so much. At least not yet, anyway. So far, it seems to have been reported regionally, only, on CBC Saskatchewan. So I sent the email, below (with a link to that story) to The National this evening.

"Hi, Peter. Will The National be carrying *this story? Like the story about pesticides in organic food, I believe it too holds implications for food safety, not to mention a threat to an entire eco-system! Thanks!"

We'll see if Peter uses his considerable experience and judgement as a veteran journalist and does the right thing, by giving equal treatment to this latter story, too! If he does not, why not remind him? His email is:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

An ‘In Memoriam’ Ad For Murdered Mexican Anti-Mining Activist Refused by Calgary Herald

November 26, 2010 - The Council of Canadians
EDITOR'S NOTE: It's stories like this which remind me of one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place. Disgusting, rotten things go on in this world which too many mass media, including those in my own country, are too cowardly to even shine a light on. But the cowardice isn't limited to the media. 

A bill in the House of Commons, designed to clamp down on Canadian-based mining companies who commit acts abroad similar to this one, was recently defeated. Some Honourable Members, representing mining constituencies, apparently afraid they would offend their voters if they supported it, stayed away when the vote was taken! Such courage! Such principle! l.p.

Court sides with youth in historic climate case against Ontario

ecojustice Seven Ontario youth are celebrating a landmark victory handed  down by the province’s top court. The Court of Appeal ruled in  fa...