Showing posts with label Green Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green Party. Show all posts

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Monday, August 3, 2015

GreenParty of Canada Candidate Kate Storey Ready to Hit The Campaign Trail in a Key Riding in Rural Manitoba.

GRANDVIEW. Green Party candidate Kate Storey (above) kicked off her campaign in Grandview on Sunday. “I am ready and happy to take on the challenge of this longer campaign.” said Ms. Storey. I look forward to using the time to get out to more communities and talk to more people in Dauphin Swan River Neepawa.”

“The Green Party has attracted more stellar Canadians - with personal reputations that command respect across Canada -- than any other party.  I am proud to represent the Green Party beside candidates like MP Elizabeth May,  broadcasters Claire Martin and Jo-Ann Roberts and Olympic mayor Ken Melamed.”

“Canadians deserve a government that delivers on long-term and sustainable jobs, a sustainable and expanded public health system, genuine security, and leadership globally in confronting the climate crisis,” said Ms. Storey. “Canadians deserve MPs who put Parliament ahead of party, setting aside hyper-partisanship for citizenship.”

“Elected Greens  give Canadians the kind of respectful, effective, hard-working government they deserve. More Green MPs in a minority Parliament will have influence and clout, working across party lines. Greens believe in A Canada That Works – Together.”
Kate Storey, Green Party of Canada

Friday, June 26, 2015

It's Worth Defending

Larry --

Our coastlines, our drinking water, our national parks -- we love these things, and defending them is no easy task, especially in the era of the Harper Conservatives.

The current government has been giving away our natural resources to foreign multinational corporations at an alarming rate, and has pushed for the reckless and unsustainable expansion of the oilsands and other high-polluting industries.

But I have good news for you.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Kate Storey of the Green Party Nails it on GMO and Glyphosate

by Tony Mitra
Kate is an organic farmer based in Manitoba. She is also the Agriculture critic of the Green Party and an aspiring politician that is standing for the coming federal and provincial elections, hoping to be either an MP or an MLA. Story here.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Manitoba Greens Call For Premier to Quash Energy East pipeline

Winnipeg Free Press

The Selinger government can — and should — slam the brakes on a proposed national pipeline that would pump diluted bitumen from the Alberta oil sands into eastern Canada, the Green Party says. Story here.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Well-Known Meteorologist Runs for Greens

My name is Claire Martin, and I am excited to announce that I am running as the Green Party candidate for the riding of North Vancouver.
During my twenty-year career as a meteorologist and broadcaster, including nine years with CBC’s The National, I have been committed to making the subject of environmental science accessible to Canadians. Over this period, I have seen first-hand the impacts of the climate crisis grow worse, and the need for decisive action become more urgent.

I am running in 2015 because I care about building a stronger, more sustainable Canada that confronts the climate crisis head-on, and doesn’t ignore this challenge to the detriment of our society, our economy, and our future.

Over the last four years, Elizabeth May has shown us how much a Green MP can achieve, and I can’t wait to join her and many more Green MPs in Ottawa after the next election.

In order to make that happen, we need your help!

No matter how much or how little time you have to give, it is valuable. From making phone-calls a couple nights a week, to baking cookies to keep our canvassing teams energized and ready to spread our positive message.

Together, we will make the 2015 election the one that changes everything.

Join the team:


Claire Martin
Candidate - North Vancouver
Green Party of Canada

Friday, March 27, 2015

Blogger Takes Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada to Task Over His Latest "War Games." (Letter)

Dear Editor,

Sad, isn’t it? 
Canada’s days as an honest broker are over. The Harper government has transformed my country from a kinder, gentler peacekeeping nation, into a wanna-be petro-state that takes sides, “smites” its enemies, sows seeds of hatred based on culture, religion or gender and intimidates those whose views differ from its own. 

After all, by Harper's definition, I’m a “radical” because I oppose the tar sands and donate to “subversive” organizations like the David Suzuki Foundation. Apparently so, too are First Nations people who are trying to fight Harper’s draconian legislation which directly threatens their land, water and air. 

Harper may be backing off parts of his "anti-terrorist" Bill C-51 which threaten so many of our civil liberties. But only after repeated warnings from many informed people, including former Prime Ministers and Chief Justices. And the fact those parts were there in the first place, is revealing. And what remains, I fear, still gives police too many more power with little oversight.

Harper wags his finger at other nations for failing to implement “democratic values,” while shamefully letting ugly, vote-suppressing “robocalls” in the last election, go largely unpunished on his watch at home.

With breathtaking contempt for international law, Harper is barging ahead in the Middle East, selling the lie that ISIL is a threat to Canada. Could it not be just the opposite? Is not the very expansion of his war games there more likely to make us a bigger target?  After all, did most of the ISIL fighters themselves not get their start during the American invasion of Iraq, that grotesque, unjust bit of deception that Harper was itching to get Canada into, had he only been PM at the time? 

Harper actually labelled jihadi terrorists (as evil as they clearly are), “the most dangerous enemy our world has ever seen.” How conveniently he ignores the Nazis and Fascists who embroiled our world in two great wars in the 20th century, claiming the lives of tens of millions of troops and innocent civilians. Anyone who is prepared to use such inflamed hyperbole to get his way, richly deserves to have his term in office ended at the next election! 

More recently, after two useless wars which accomplished nothing, one in Afghanistan (where more of our returning veterans took their own lives than were lost in combat) and the other in Libya, now such a “paragon" of western democratic virtue, here he is, agitating for more of the same. 

For what? And for how long? Forever?

So why is he doing this? Simple; To divert our attention away from his monumental failure to diversify the economy, away from his singular vision of making Canada "an energy superpower." Now that oil prices have tanked, it has revealed that vision to be one that not only has harmed the environment, but the economy, as well.

Instead of having "clean, green" jobs to turn to (thanks to Harper's neglect of the solar and wind sectors), many of those laid off in the oil patch are having to go half way round the world to find similar jobs, the only kind they know how to do, just to put food on the table.

This man does not fool me. Please don’t let him fool you.

Larry Powell,


Monday, January 19, 2015

Kate Storey Selected to Run Again for the Green Party of Canada in Dauphin – Swan River - Marquette.

Onanole, MB.  by Larry Powell - Green Party of Canada.

“It’s time to end ‘top-down’ politics in this country,” Storey declared, as a group of dedicated supporters voted unanimously to again endorse her this weekend as their party’s choice in the federal election later this year. "Vote Green and give your MPs the ability to actually represent the people for a change,” she declared.

If elected, Storey promised to dedicate herself to fight against the scourges of climate change, and for the principles of social justice and democracy.

Kate Storey, candidate, Green Party of Canada.
Dauphin - Swan River - Marquette.

She and her husband, Doug have been operating an organic farm near Grandview for years. They’ve become living examples of how sustainable agriculture can succeed in a sea of industrial farms, where genetic modification, pesticides and monoculture are increasingly compromising the quality of our food and the very survival of precious pollinators, such as honeybees. 

Storey comes to the candidate’s job with a wealth of political experience, having run both federally and provincially on previous occasions.

“I may not win,” she declares, “but I’ll be bringing an important message to you during the campaign which would otherwise be lost in the now familiar, but cynical clamor of the ‘old-line parties.'”

Sunday, June 9, 2013

First Green Party Member in the History of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, Canada, Sworn In

Globe & Mail
British Columbia’s first provincially elected Green Party member, Andrew Weaver (r.) wasted little time attacking Premier Christy Clark’s plans to export liquefied natural gas from northern B.C. to Asia after a swearing-in ceremony Thursday at the legislature. Details here.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Manitoba Greens Celebrate Climate Scientist's Victory in British Columbia

Green Party of Manitoba
WINNIPEG – Manitoba Green Party leader James Beddome (l.) congratulates new Green MLA Andrew Weaver (below) on his historic win in B.C.’s election yesterday. “Andrew will be a wonderful first Green representative, bringing his strong voice to work for the environment and our planet’s future.”

Andrew Weaver is the first Green ever elected to a provincial legislature in Canada. He defeated the Liberal incumbent in the riding of Oak Bay-Gordon Head. Other B.C. Greens came close to winning seats, with Adam Olsen only 387 votes behind the NDP victor and Jane Sterk placing a strong second to the Liberals in the riding of Victoria-Beacon Hill. The Greens are B.C.’s third political party in terms of popular vote.

“Greens are rising in popularity across Canada,” says Beddome. “Our sound and sensible policies are resonating with voters as everyone learns to think ‘green’. The Green Party of Manitoba looks forward to electing MLAs in Manitoba’s next election.”

James Beddome,
leader of the Green Party of Manitoba
call or text at 204-990-5195

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ban the Use of Neonicotinoids in Canada

Elizabeth May, Leader, Green Party of Canada
Pollinators, including honeybees, are a central element of our food system and a critical pillar of our ecology. Details here.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Climate Crisis Threatens Canadian Agriculture, We Need an Agricultural Adaptation Plan, Now

Elizabeth May

All around the world, governments are mobilizing resources to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions while adapting to the climate crisis. Everywhere around the world that is except Canada. Details here.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Video: Withdrawing From UN Drought Treaty For The Cost Of...

House of Commons
16, 2013
Video: Withdrawing from UN drought treaty for the cost of...

Elizabeth May: Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister told this House that Canada legally
withdrew from the treaty to combat drought and desertification because it was “
…not an effective way to [use] taxpayers’ money”. The cost of the treaty, $300,000
a year, is roughly equivalent to half the cost of a G8 gazebo or 109 days of the care
and feeding of a rented panda, less than 4% of the PMO office budget, a third the
cost of shipping an armoured vehicle to India, or two days of government
advertising to tell us how happy we should all be with the way the government is
spending our money.
By what criteria is that spending more effective than pulling our weight in the world
to confront drought and expanding deserts?
Hon. Julian Fantino: Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to speak to the criteria. That is
making Canada's assistance more effective and efficient so we can dedicate those
resources to the people most in need.
We are supporting concrete measures to help developing countries deal with drought
instead of paying for conferences, salaries, and bureaucrats. Our commitment is to
help the poor in a tangible way. We are doing that. It is not about talk shops or travel.
Share with Friends
Take Action: Restore Funding to the UNCCD
Must Read Article - Protecting Agriculture

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Experimental Lakes Area Closure a Financial Blunder, Say Greens

Green Party of Canada Donate to the Green Party of Canada
 Grandview:  The Green Party of Canada calls on the 
federal government to keep the  Experimental Lakes 
Area (ELA) research station open. Closure of ELA will 
cost Canadian tax payers $50 million to decommission 
the site while keeping it open would only be $2 million 
a year.  “Do the math,” says Kate Storey, of the Dauphin 
Swan River Marquette Green Party. “This attack on 
science is a financial blunder.”

Giving no reasons, the Harper government terminated 
funding to the facility, forcing it to close this March. 
Concerned citizens have suggested that the closure is 
a vendetta against environmentalists. Research coming 
out of the experimental lakes could be inconvenient to 
those wishing to ignore the effects of toxins on the water 
and on the health of Canadians.

The Experimental Lakes station has operated as a unique, 
world-renowned centre for freshwater research in 
northwestern Ontario for about half-a-century. Studies 
done there have resulted in strategies to combat acid rain, 
climate change, algae blooms, mercury poisoning and 
nutrient buildup in lakes such as Erie and Winnipeg.  
The science could be used to move industry to become 
more environmentally responsible.

The ELA cost relatively little to maintain. Scientists could 
bring in specific funding for their experiments and be 
asked for rent, potentially making it self-funding. The 
scientific activity is also an economic boon to the local economy.  However, even scientists with funding to offer 
are no longer being allowed to work there.  Thousands 
of people have signed petitions to keep it open and various 
groups have offered to buy the facility, but the Harper 
government is deaf to common sense.
Storey is particularly appalled at the actions of the local 
Dauphin MP.  “Mr Sopuck ran a campaign on his "green credentials" and commitment to science.
Yet, on March 20thhe voted with his Conservative 
colleagues to defeat an Opposition motion calling for 
continued funding to keep the ELA open until another 
operator could be found. "Why would anyone with even 
a small bit of environmental or economic common sense 
agree to close such a valuable scientific facility?" 
Storey asks.
The ELA was a help to ordinary Canadians because it 
provided the science needed to keep our drinking 
water clean. Canada’s pre-eminent water scientist 
David Schindler recently called the government’s 
action “sheer stupidity.”
 CONTACT:   Kate Storey  204-546-2099 or
Green Party Demands Action On GE foods

Dear Larry, 
Are you eating untested genetically engineered foods?
If you buy anything from a typical grocery store, the answer is yes.
Unfortunately, avoiding them is almost impossible since the labeling of GE ingredients is not required by law and is entirely voluntary.
Health Canada has never conducted independent research into the safety of GE foods, relying solely on information provided by the companies making the products.
In fact, despite being on shelves since 1996, genetically engineered foods have never been subjected to any long-term testing to review potential health hazards, including antibiotic resistance, toxicity, or allergic reactions. Genetically engineered crops also pose serious threats to the health of natural ecosystems and organic agriculture.
Elizabeth May has been fighting for transparency in food labeling, and to stop GE foods being sold in Canada.
The Green Party will continue to speak out to demand:
  • Mandatory labeling for all GE ingredients
  • Local, provincial and territorial GE-free food zones
  • Independent research of GE foods and GE crops and their long term effects on people and the environment
  • A ban on the introduction of new GE products like salmon and alfalfa in Canada
We can win this fight with your help.
Please help us continue to speak out publicly in Parliament and in the media about this important issue now by donating $15, or any amount you can afford.
With your support, we will have the resources needed to call attention to the Conservatives’ attempt to relax Canada's food standards, and ensure an open and transparent food system that is safe for all Canadians.

Kate Storey
Shadow Cabinet Critic for Agriculture
Green Party of Canada

Monday, April 8, 2013

Green Party Leader Gob-Smacks the Media Darling of the CBC and National Post

Greens do politics differently (But not in the way that Rex Murphy thinks)
By Elizabeth May

In his Saturday National Post column, Rex Murphy claimed that Canada’s Green party has no goal other than to get me elected as an MP — and that this has been the case for “two or three general elections.”  Full story here.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Green Party Supports Last-Ditch Efforts to Save Experimental Lakes Area (ELA)

OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada once again offers its whole-hearted support to the Coalition to Save ELA – made up of top scientists from across the country – in light of rumours that the Harper Conservatives have found a private buyer for this irreplaceable, public, 58-lake scientific area. Details here.

Court sides with youth in historic climate case against Ontario

ecojustice Seven Ontario youth are celebrating a landmark victory handed  down by the province’s top court. The Court of Appeal ruled in  fa...