Monday, October 31, 2011

7 Billion and Counting: Welcome to a Planet With Population Overload and Resources in Crisis

Scott Thill / AlterNet
 The definition of overpopulation has less to do with raw numbers of people than their relationship with the planet's sustainable resources. Details here.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Skeptic's Own Study Finds Climate Change Real, but says Scientists Should be More Critical

By: Seth Borenstein, Winnipeg Free Press - 10/30/2011
WASHINGTON - A prominent physicist and skeptic of global warming spent two years trying to find out if mainstream climate scientists were wrong. In the end, he determined they were right: Details here.

Leave the Rake, Take the Shovel: 3M Powerless After Pre-Halloween Snow Surprises Northeast

By Associated Press, October 30
SOUTH WINDSOR, Conn. — When winter’s white mixes with autumn’s orange and gold, nature gets ugly. Details here.

Governments Must Plan for Migration in Response to Climate Change, Researchers Say

ScienceDaily (Oct. 27, 2011) — Governments around the world must be prepared for mass migrations caused by rising global temperatures or face the possibility of calamitous results, Details here.
This was the scene at Lake St. Martin First Nation in Manitoba early this year as residents prepared to flee a long, hard flood season. MIKE.DEAL@FREEPRESS.MB.CA Enlarge Image

Yukon Delivers a Plug of Mercury in Response to a Changing Climate

Oct. 25, 2011 The Daily Climate - By Douglas Fischer
Thawing permafrost and industrial pollution are fingered as culprits. Details here.

Michael Moore on Occupy Wall Street

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Paul Martin on Natural Capital (Podcast)

CBC Radio - The Current - Oc 28'11
A former Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin tells us about a concept called natural capital, an idea that would see our water,  forests and other resources put on the country's balance sheets. 
Courtesy of Now Public

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Obama’s Senior Campaign Advisor Former Lobbyist for Keystone XL Pipeline

October 26, 2011 By Kate Follot Planetsave 
The Obama campaign recently hired Broderick Johnson, a former lobbyist for the Keystone XL pipeline, as a new senior advisor....Details here.

PLT: Corruption rules!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Forests Potential Solution in the Fight Against Hunger

26 October 2011, Rome – Food & Agriculture Organization (UN)
 More attention to forest foods and services can improve food security in poor nations. Details here.

PLT photo

NDP Singles Out Seven Tory MPs in Potential Conflict Over Wheat Board

STEVEN CHASE - OTTAWA— Globe and Mail Update - Oct 24, 2011
PLT photo
The NDP says western Conservative MPs with a personal stake in scrapping the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopoly should skip votes on the matter or risk breaking conflict-of-interest rules. Details here.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Are We Reaching "Peak Car"?

Anita Elash - From Saturday's Globe and Mail
Toronto - Anyone who has been stuck in big-city gridlock lately may find this hard to believe, but millions of Westerners are giving up their cars. Details here.

Ecocide - A Crime Against the Planet

by Sam Burcher              
On the 30th September 2011, the CEO’s of two British oil companies were found guilty of Ecocide at the Supreme Court in Westminster. Details here. 

Sam Burcher holds an MSc in Education for Sustainability and is co-author of "Food Futures Now."

Also by Sam Burcher - "Who Benefits From GM Seeds?" 

Green Activist Gives Manitoba's Efforts to Reduce Vehicle Emissions a 'B'

Winnipeg Free Press - 10/15/2011
It's far from perfect, but it's a start. Details here.

Winnipeg traffic. PLT photo. 

PLT: Keep in mind, this is the same administration (Manitoba) which has quietly "OK'd" the cockamamy, energy-indulgent "Centreport Project," which aims to connect Winnipeg via just about anywhere else on the continent via just about any means of transportation imaginable. (My question to the Government of Manitoba as to whether Centreport has undergone an Environmental Impact Assessment, has gone unanswered.)
And, oh yes, the expansion of the Winnipeg airport will allow oh so many more happy vacationers to visit Aunt Martha in New Zealand so much more easily by jet planes, the worst kind of greenhouse gas producers imaginable!  

Tory Chong Joins All-Party “Climate” Caucus in Canada

                                                    Oct.20 '11 Mike De Souza - Post Media News
Former Conservative Minister Michael Chong has teamed up with the other four parties in the House of Commons on a new “climate change” caucus. Details here.
Flooded cabins at the north end of Lake Manitoba, an agonizing fivce months after the high water hit. Climate change, in the words of the experts, "almost certainly" is playing a role in events such as this. The weather patterns are now "unmistakable," they say. PLT photo.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Exposed - Koch Industries & the Cancer Risk - Video

SOIL: the Forgotten Element

United Nations Environment Program  (UNEP)  
We live, all our lives, less than 25 centimetres away from extinction.
For that is the average thickness of the thin dusting of topsoil that 
is all that stands between us and a barren planet, and on which 
we utterly depend. About a quarter of the world's agricultural land, the United Nations reports, has already been degraded, and another 12 million hectares – an area the size of the African country of Benin is lost to farming each year. TUNZA looks at the issues surrounding this forgotten crisis. more ...

PLT: I was astonished (naive?) to just learn that UNEP works with Bayer (the big German-based corporation), to "encourage young people to care for the environment." They neglect to mention that Bayer has been making farm poisons which have been killing honeybees, for years! You don't suppose Bayer has a hidden agenda here, do you? Naaaa!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Global Warming Study Finds no Grounds for Climate Sceptics' Concerns

Ian Sample, science correspondent, 20 Oc '11
Cloud formation photo by PLT
Independent investigation of the key issues sceptics claim can skew global warming figures reports that they have no real effect. Details here.

Separating Oil and State

Cameron Fenton Huff Post - National Director, Canadian Youth Climate Coalition - 10/20/11
The Alberta tar sands are not called a giga project for no reason. Details here.

One of many anti-tar sands demos 
in Regina some three yrs. ago. PLT photo.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Next Steps for the Occupy Movement

By Shamus Cooke Global Research, Oc 17, 2011
As the Occupy Movement gains strength nationally and internationally, questions of "what next" are popping up. Details here.

"Occupy Winnipeg" Manitoba legislature
Oct. 15th - '11 PLT photo

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eminent Domain Fight Has a Canadian Twist

LESLIE KAUFMAN and DAN FROSCH New York Times Oc 17'11
A Canadian company has been threatening to confiscate private land from South Dakota to the Gulf of Mexico, and is already suing many who have refused to allow the Keystone XL pipeline on their property, even though the controversial project has yet to receive federal approval. Details here.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ethical Oil Argument is Ludicrous

Tom Ford-Wpg. Free Press Oc17'11
 What I find galling about Ottawa is that John Baird, the foreign affairs minister, struts around the globe, with his unique gold-embossed calling cards, repeating some dumb arguments about dirty oil. Details here.

7 Billion Humans and Rising Rapidly

DAVID CRARY , Associated Press Oct. 16, 2011
Africa especially will be hard-pressed to provide food and water to its people. Details here.

Occupy Winnipeg! The World-Wide Movement for Justice Catches Fire on the Canadian Prairies (PLT Video)

If you enjoy this blog, please consider donating to the 
author to keep it going. Just click on the link below 
Thanks!  Larry
Josh Brandon: "One of the things I think that it shows, we have right now a government that is afraid of criticism.  Every time the Harper government hears word or hears voices that it doesn't agree with, its response has been to eliminate funding. So we've seen that, even civil servants now, like Environment Canada, they've had their funding slashed because they are reporting things like global warming, holes in the ozone layer, messages that the federal government does not want to hear. So rather than listen to the science, listen to the scientists, what we've seen is, those voices are being cut. That's true with the environment, womens' groups, it's true with labour."
Please also read: "Cold Prairie Winds Not Enough to Drive Winnipeg Occupiers Out of Memorial Park"

COMMENT:   Hi Larry,

I saw you posted a section of my talk from the Occupy Winnipeg online.  Thanks for doing that.  You tell the story much better than we hear in the mainstream media.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Winnipeg! Tomorrow (Sat.) 10am at the Legislature. Be There!

What is Occupy Winnipeg all about? Listen to this CBC Radio interview and find out!

Worldwatch Report Focuses on China’s Green Future - & Finds Plenty of Downsides, Too!

By Haibing Ma and Danielle Nierenberg
China’s environmental problems remain a cause for global concern as climate change continues to reduce agricultural production and create instability in world food prices, according to The Worldwatch Institute’s...Details here.

Mass Extinctions Linked to Climate Change are Already Underway.

Environmental Health News - Summer - 2011
New evidence confirms what scientists have long suspected: that climate change is already having major effects on many of the world's species. Details here.

Endangered Afghan Markhor at 
the Winnipeg zoo. PLT photo

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oil Spill Disaster New Zealand's "Worst in Decades"

BBC - Oct 11'11
An oil spill from a stranded cargo ship off New Zealand is the country's worst environmental disaster in decades, the government says. Details here.
Courtesy of the BBC

Bombshell: State Department Outsourced Tar Sands Pipeline Environmental Impact Study to ‘Major’ TransCanada Contractor

By Joe Romm - Climate Progress - Oct 8, 2011
The Game was Rigged: Entire Environmental Impact Statement Should Be Invalidated. Details here.

U.S. Seen Unlikely to Hit Advanced Biofuel Goal

Manitoba Co-Operator - Oct 11 Land-use changes make emissions reductions uncertain:   report. Details here.

Wheat on ground; PLT photo
Please also read "Bursting the Ethanol Bubble."

Monday, October 10, 2011

UN Advises Prudent Use of Abundant Resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo

  UNNews  - Monday, October 10, 2011
New York, Oct 10 2011 - The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has the capacity 

to become the driving force of Africa’s economic development if its vast forests, water 

resources and trillions of dollars worth of mineral reserves are used prudently, 

according to the findings of a United Nations assessment released today.
Courtesy UNEP 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Watchdog Slams Harper Government for Poor Accountability on Climate Spending

By Mike De Souza, Postmedia News
OTTAWA - Canada's environment watchdog slammed the federal government Tuesday for...details here.

Or read the complete report here.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Environmentalists Pack Hearing - Call Keystone Pipeline Bad Deal for U.S.

Winnipeg Free Press - Oct 6'11

WASHINGTON - The U.S. State Department's final public hearing into TransCanada's proposed 

Keystone XL pipeline is underway with hundreds of environmentalists in attendance. Details here.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Food Crisis Looms in Sudan Regions

Food & Agriculture Organization - UN - 5 Oct '11, Rome

PLT: Is climate change making this crisis worse, as well? 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Gaping Hole Opens in Arctic Ozone Layer

Margaret Munro - PostMedia News - Oct. 3 - '11

'Unprecedented'; Harmful radiation hit Earth, says study in which Canadian team played key role. Details here.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pity Rex Murphy. At This Point, He Has No Place To Go

18 Oct 09 Jim Hoggan Desmog Blog
For years, Canada’s most famous climate denier —- a national broadcaster, columnist and author has  railed against science. Details here.
PLT: Severe flooding on Lake Manitoba (above) has dragged on for several dreary months. According to the science, the patterns of severe weather events like this are now unmistakable. Climate change is almost certainly playing a role. And dinosaurs like Murphy only stand in the way of enlightened action to reduce such catastrophic effects. PLT photo.
PLT: As you can see, this story came out quite some time ago. I must have been sleeping, for, while I am not surprised, I believed Rex's dubious distinction as a climate-denier was quite a recent revelation. (Please also read "Is Rex Murphy About to Damage the CBC's Reputation?")
I am posting this here for the benefit of others who were similarly unaware. This does not diminish my outrage, however, nor apparently, that of others. That an individual with such prominence on our public airwaves should embrace anything but solid science on such a vital issue, is simply not acceptable.

Canadian Arctic Loses Nearly Entire Ice Shelf

If you enjoy this blog, please consider donating to the author to keep it going. Thanks! Larry
Sept 30, 2011 - The Sydney Morning Herald  
(AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Jonathan Hayward)
 Two ice shelves that existed before Canada was settled by Europeans diminished significantly this summer….Details here.
"The globe is not warming, but actually cooling." Canada's most infamous climate skeptic, Tim Ball.
PLT: Only in the fevered brain of a climate crank would our ice shelves be disappearing in a world that is actually cooling!
Please also read: Canada's Main Climate Skeptic Continues to Mislead 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Geo-Engineering Takes Off

By: Gwynne Dyer - Wpg Free Press - 09/24/2011
Scientists who are working on various concepts for "geo-engineering" the climate are almost comically eager to stress that...Details here.

Tar Sands Showdown in the Nebraska Sandhills

By Ted Genoways OnEarth - Sept 30'11

At a heated hearing in the heart of cornhusker country, one cowboy poet gives local outrage an eloquent voice. Details here.

Trump Killed a Major Report on Nature. They’re Trying to Publish It Anyway.

The New York Times The first full draft of the assessment, on the state of  America’s land, water and wildlife, was weeks from  completion. ...