Showing posts with label Consumerism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consumerism. Show all posts

Friday, November 28, 2014

A Vision for Nature

by George Monbiot

Pine grosbeaks in Manitoba, CA. PinP photos by Larry Powell.
As governments tear down the rules that defend our wildlife from extinction,  here’s a positive attempt to stop the wreckage. Story here.

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Cancer of Growth

The RAM'S HORN - Brewster Kneen

There is a cancer referred to as The Economy which is growing world-wide – in Canada, the USA, Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey, Mexico. It accompanies a notion – nay, ideological fantasy – that growth is a universal remedy for an ailing – or failing – economy. This is profoundly odd since the primary characteristic of cancer is that it endeavours to consume its host. Details here.

The City of Vancouver, CA - another of the 
world's "growth centres." PLT photo.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Gift of Death

George Monbiot

Pathological consumption has become so normalised that we scarcely notice it. Full story here.

PLT: Get a talking fish toy for your loved one this Christmas! What a catch!

What's different, and worse, about the smoke from the L.A. fires

CBC  News Lungs, heart, brain and more at risk, doctors say. Story here.