Showing posts with label The War on Tar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The War on Tar. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Oil may be Canada's past, but we cannot let it be our future

David Suzuki - The Guardian
Pipes loaded on a train in Manitoba. A PinP photo. 

There's a lot of fear around abandoning an industry that has been an economic driver for decades - yet the rest of the world is moving on. More here.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

International organizations slam Trudeau for pipeline support


One of the many protests against the Kinder Morgan pipeline in Vancouver. Photo by William Chen.
Groups say prime minister’s stance on tar sands negates attempt to position Canada as a global climate leader. Story here.

Friday, January 19, 2018

340 Billion Gallons of Sludge Spur Environmental Fears in Canada

"Rainbow Lake" - Alberta tar sands. Photo credit - "Beautiful Destruction."
Amid the bogs and forests of northern Alberta, in the heart of the Canadian oil patch, lie some of the largest waste dumps of the global energy business. Story here.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Keystone XL Gushes Half-a-Million Litres of Oil - 'Because 'Pipelines Are Bound to Spill'


'With their horrible safety record, today's spill is just the latest tragedy caused by the irresponsible oil company TransCanada.' Story here.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Make Suncor Clean up Half-a-Billion Litres of Poisonous Tailings Sludge. PLEASE SIGN PETITION!

There are 1.2 TRILLION litres of toxic tailings pond sludge in Alberta. And one tar sands corporation is trying to postpone its share of the clean-up until 2085.
We are going to stop this. 

Tell Suncor its tailings mess can't wait 70 more years. Clean it up now.
Right now, the biggest company in the Alberta tar sands is trying to rewrite the rules of how big oil is going to have to deal with toxic tailings waste.
Suncor is trying to get the Alberta government to allow it to wait to clean up its tailings until 2085.
But it gets worse. Suncor's strategy to "clean up" literally 525 billion litres of poisonous tailings sludge involves dumping it into a hole and capping it with water. That's it.This half-baked plan is nothing more than Suncor’s thinly veiled excuse to avoid cleaning up the after-party of a 50-year fossil fuel extraction binge fest.
We have zero guarantees that corporations like Suncor will even be around in three-quarters of a century -- let alone have the resources or motivation to clean their messes up.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

'Talk Is Cheap': G20 Told to End Public Subsidy of All Dirty Fuels by 2020

Common Dreams
New report reveals that public financing by wealthiest governments belies stated commitments to Paris climate goals. Story here.

Canada Geese fly over the Suncor Millennium Mine, 
Alberta tar sands. Photo credit - Beautiful Destruction.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Canadians are making a supersized gamble on climate and the economy

Did you know that:

  • We Canadians are now one of the world's largest extractors of climate pollution, per capita?
  • We're planning one of world's biggest increases through 2030?
  • Our relentlessly increasing extraction has become a supersized gamble that threatens both climate hope and our economic stability? DETAILS HERE.                        
Part if the infrastructure awaiting approval of the 
Keystone XL pipeline. Photo by shannonpatrick17

Saturday, February 4, 2017

'Estimates of convenience': Researcher says Alberta spills data too positive

Winnipeg Free Press

A researcher says the agency that monitors Alberta's energy industry has underestimated the impact of tens of thousands of spills going back decades. Story here.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

New Tar Sands Pipelines Are Incompatible With Paris Climate Goals


New research released Thursday reveals disturbing new evidence on how locking-into new long-lived tar sands production undermines global efforts to address the global climate crisis far beyond Canada's borders. "Trudeau's pipeline decisions will lead directly to suffering…Story here.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Are the billionaire American Koch brothers playing climate politics in Alberta?


It’s a well-known fact that Charles and David Koch — owners of the second-largest private company in America — have been funding climate change denial in the U.S. for decades. Story here.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Tell President Obama: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Friends of the Earth Logo Donate

Dear Larry,
As you read this, thousands of Indigenous Peoples are camped along the banks of the Missouri River in North Dakota. They’re fighting to protect their land and water from the construction of the Dakota Access oil and gas pipeline. And it’s up to the President to decide.

Friday, November 11, 2016

We Can't Let This Happen

Greenpeace Logo
In a matter of weeks, the Canadian government will approve or deny the Kinder Morgan tar sands pipeline. This decision could put the B.C. coast and our fragile climate at risk. 

We’ve heard that the decision is coming soon and that the government is leaning toward approving the pipeline. There’s not a moment to lose.

We can’t let this happen. It’s time to scale up our resistance. Sign the petition to send Trudeau a message: climate leaders don’t build pipelines!

Just last week, the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement came into force. The Trudeau government wants us to believe that we can meet our new climate targets and build new tar sands pipelines. But you and I know that’s not true.

More than eighty-five tribes and First Nations are standing up to tar sands expansion, and we are standing with them. 

Time is running out. The decision on Kinder Morgan is due in a few weeks. But together we can turn the tide and stop this devastating project. 

In solidarity,


Mike Hudema
Climate & Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace Canada
We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, please make a donation. Thank you!
If you no longer want to be in the loop with the latest news from these emails, we'll be sad, but you can unsubscribe here.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

First Nation Considering Lawsuit After Diesel Spill Destroys Clam Beds


Salvage crews have removed more than 23,000 litres of diesel from a sunken tug on British Columbia's central coast, but a local First Nation said Tuesday that the damage has already been done and a lawsuit could be on its way. Story here.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Diesel Containment Failing After Spill on B.C. Coast


Efforts to contain a diesel spill on the British Columbia coast are failing after more than three days of round-the-clock efforts by first responders. Story here.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

First Nation Urges Trudeau to Rush Tanker Ban After Diesel Spill in Great Bear Rainforest


First responders are working quickly to contain a diesel spill in British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest after a 10,000-tonne tanker barge and tug unit ran aground on the central Pacific coast around 1 a.m. on Thursday morning. Story here.

TransCanada Shuts Down Keystone After Oil Seeps to Surface


Alberta-based TransCanada Corp has shut down its Keystone pipeline after crews spotted oil near a pump station in South Dakota, the company said in a statement on Monday. Story here.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Groups Urge UNESCO to Put Wood Buffalo National Park on 'In Danger' List

CBC News 
'It's beautiful but severely impacted in terms of water loss.’ Story here.

Gros Beak Lk. Wood Buffalo Park. Ansgar Walk photo.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Enbridge Spreads Tentacles to Acquire Spectra, Creating 'Pipeline Enemy #1'


Merger 'would only enhance the power of the oil and gas industry to manipulate the energy marketplace and encourage the continued use of fracking,' says Wenonah Hauter. Story here.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Oil, Gas And Coal Are Multi-Billion Dollar Businesses, Yet Every Year Fossil Fuel Companies get Billions in Tax Breaks and Handouts.

IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development

In a world that’s shifting to cleaner sources of energy, those subsidies don’t make sense—especially when they work against the other actions we’re taking to fight climate change. Story here.

What's different, and worse, about the smoke from the L.A. fires

CBC  News Lungs, heart, brain and more at risk, doctors say. Story here.