Showing posts with label Hall of Shame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hall of Shame. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2013

UK Set to Scupper Ban on Pesticides Linked to Bee Harm


Environment secretary not expected to support proposal despite poll showing almost three-quarters of the UK public wants ban. Details here.

Bumble bees on chives. PLT photo

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Record Area of Biotech Crops Used in 2012 - Report


U.S. farmers still lead world in planting GMO crops. Details here.

PLT: Unelected agrifood giants like Bayer and Monsanto continue to throw their weight around, dictating the shape of our world food system, while yellow-bellied, elected "lawmakers" sit back and say nothing. They are no better than those who hunker down while the school yard bully beats up on little kids. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Curbing Food Waste for Human and Environmental Health

World Watch Institute
It is said that the US alone wastes enough food to fill every empty stomach in Africa! Details here. 

PLT: This is sooo outrageous! When will something be done?

Organic salad. PLT photo

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Revealed: How the FBI Coordinated the Crackdown on Occupy

The Guardian
New documents prove what was once dismissed as paranoid fantasy: totally integrated corporate-state repression of dissent. Details here.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Is It Time to Put the Brakes on Runaway Coal Development?

The Globe and Mail
The coal industry is booming in British Columbia, with a dozen new mines proposed around the province and the port of Metro Vancouver making expansive plans to become the biggest coal-exporting facility in North America.
But the flurry of activity is raising environmental concerns at both ends of the supply chain, and British Columbians may soon want to put the brakes on what is starting to look like a runaway coal train. Details here.

PLT: "Runaway coal development" is exactly the effect desired by our Harperite government after it passed on a golden opportunity to tighten restrictions, choosing to actually loosen ones it had earlier promised. In so doing, it has shown itself to be the most blatant and shameless anti-science nation on the planet, caring not a whit for the future of our children. In the full knowledge that coal offers the worst of the worst in terms of energy alternatives and the fight against catastrophic climate change, they govern for business interests only. Period, end of story.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Arab Youth Arrested at COP; Canadians Confront Kent

Cdn. Youth Delegation - Climate Conference, Qatar
An hour ago, two members of the Arab Youth Climate Movement were  arrested. They held up a banner in the COP18 conference centre that read, “Qatar, why host, not lead?”. Onlookers erupted in cheers as...Details here.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Canada "Bottoms Out" at International Climate Negotiations

Alternatives Journal - Alana Westwood

Canadians are apologetic people. Yet, navigating the halls of the COP18 climate negotiations as a member of the Canadian Youth Delegation (CYD), the “sorry”s I gave weren’t stereotypical Canuck politeness. Instead, they were apologies of shame for... Details here.                

East-Central SK, 2011. PLT photo

Monday, December 3, 2012

Canada Ranked as Worst Performer in the Developed World on Climate Change

Climate Action Network Canada
Canada trailed only by Kazakhstan, Iran and Saudi Arabia in 2013 climate change performance index. Details here.

Western SK. 2011 PLT photo

Friday, November 16, 2012

BP Pleads Guilty, Pays Record $4.5 Billion Over Gulf spill; 3 Employees Charged

Winnipeg Free Press. Details here.

PLT: You don't suppose BP will simply write this off as "the cost of doing business" and carry on as before, do you? Naaaah!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Earth's Defenders Being Murdered at Increasingly Alarming Rate

June 19, 2012 by Common Dreams

Environmentalists across the world being killed at rate of one per week, and growing
. Story here

Sunday, May 13, 2012

EARTH MEANDERS - Raping Kids and Earth

PLT does not necessarily endorse articles posted here by others. They are here for you to read - or not.
May 13, 2012

By Dr. Glen Barry - Ecological Internet

What kind of sickos destroy children and ecosystems? Well actually, a surprising number do. Most are against both types of victimization of innocence and purity - as long as you don’t talk or do anything about it when it happens.

Earth is so beautiful, so perfect in its intimate interconnectivity, as are humans in their ability to create and transcend, to pass down knowledge, love, and ecological habitat to our children. Yet we know –especially direct victims of childhood rape and ecocide – that Earth and her humanity are filled with a dark, narcissistic self-destructiveness as well.

Two of the very worst evils stalking the land are those who sexually abuse children, and those who wage ecocide upon ecosystems. In fact, they are two sides of the same coin. This is going to be a deeply revealing and challenging essay. If you don’t think freely with an open mind; and are, well, dumb and insensitive, you may not want to try.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Home of "Canada's Reindeer" is Being Destroyed. They Need Your Help!

Please donate generously to this Nature Canada cause.
 PLT; If there were any justice in this world,  it would be the tar sands corporations (and their mindless investors) who are paying the bill to help our caribou. Afer all, who else (apart from our hollow, compliant politicians) is responsible for denuding vast areas of precious boreal forest,  depriving these bautiful, vulnerable animals of critical habitat!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Climate Conference 2011: Canada Says Kyoto Protocol 'Biggest Blunder,' May Withdraw

Tom Zeller Jr. - Huffington Post
Global climate talks got an inauspicious start in Durban, South Africa, on Monday with reports that Canada planned to withdraw fully from the Kyoto Protocol,  Details here.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Public Happy Face on Ottawa's Cuts Smeared by Official's Private Memo

Mike De Souza - Vancouver Sun - Nov. 20-'11
OTTAWA — A senior Environment Canada bureaucrat who publicly defended the federal government’s plans to slash funding and eliminate “redundancy” within the country’s ozone monitoring programs, privately approved a briefing note that concluded there was no duplication in its network, Postmedia News has learned. Read more here.

PLT: It is truly a sad day when a Prime Minister can instil such fear in his public servants that they feel compelled to tell a different story in public than in private, just to keep their jobs! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eminent Domain Fight Has a Canadian Twist

LESLIE KAUFMAN and DAN FROSCH New York Times Oc 17'11
A Canadian company has been threatening to confiscate private land from South Dakota to the Gulf of Mexico, and is already suing many who have refused to allow the Keystone XL pipeline on their property, even though the controversial project has yet to receive federal approval. Details here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bombshell: State Department Outsourced Tar Sands Pipeline Environmental Impact Study to ‘Major’ TransCanada Contractor

By Joe Romm - Climate Progress - Oct 8, 2011
The Game was Rigged: Entire Environmental Impact Statement Should Be Invalidated. Details here.

Court sides with youth in historic climate case against Ontario

ecojustice Seven Ontario youth are celebrating a landmark victory handed  down by the province’s top court. The Court of Appeal ruled in  fa...