Showing posts with label Investigative journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Investigative journalism. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Why the Secret Criminal Investigation of WikiLeaks Should Trouble Journalists.

Columbia Journalism Review

The media is overlooking the details of an investigation that could have implications for all news organizations. Story here.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Holding Power to Account - a Postmortem

by Larry Powell

As its name implies, the conference promised a lot. 

"Holding Power to Account. Investigative Journalism, Democracy and Human Rights." 

Big concepts. Big ideas. 

And it delivered. 

I am thankful to have been part of it.

More than three hundred people from 15 countries attended the event this past weekend, sponsored by the CBC and University of Winnipeg.

They heard Adrienne Arsenault, a foreign correspondent with CBC TV's flagship newscast, The National, tell a terrifying tale about an assignment she was on in an African nation.

What's different, and worse, about the smoke from the L.A. fires

CBC  News Lungs, heart, brain and more at risk, doctors say. Story here.