UBC researchers found BMAA toxin in high concentrations in 25% of algal blooms tested in Manitoba lake. Story here.
Lake Winnipeg. Greenpeace photo.
A FOOTNOTE: In the interests of fairness and accuracy, it should be pointed out that it was Eva Pip,
a long-time water expert at the University of Winnipeg, and a colleague who are on the record as first confirming BMAA in Lake Winnipeg, NOT the BC research team referenced in the CBC story.
Lake Winnipeg. Greenpeace photo.
A FOOTNOTE: In the interests of fairness and accuracy, it should be pointed out that it was Eva Pip,
a long-time water expert at the University of Winnipeg, and a colleague who are on the record as first confirming BMAA in Lake Winnipeg, NOT the BC research team referenced in the CBC story.
Find Prof. Pip's research here.