Wednesday, February 21, 2024

In pictures: South America's 'lithium fields' reveal the dark side of our electric future

A lithium leach-field in South America.

Demand for lithium-ion batteries is unprecedented - but is 

mining the chemical harmful to the environment? Story here.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Alberta' Premier tells more lies about our climate calamity.

 Here's a dandy quote from the most faithful political puppet the Alberta tar sands mega-corps could have hoped for in their wettest dreams (who also side-hustles as Premier), Danielle Smith; "I cannot build an electricity grid off wind & solar. When the sun goes down at 5 o’clock I can’t just tell people to just suck it up until the sun comes back up at 9 am the next morning." PSST! NEWS FLASH, DANNY! Wind turbines don't shut down at 5! They run on wind, not sun! And, oh by the way, guess you didn't know solar panels power storage batteries which can then be called upon when the sun ain't out! And as Premier, you must have known, one of your own natural gas generators was out of service, another operating at reduced capacity during your brutal cold snap in January. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you, bad girl, bad girl?????? <Wildfires, droughts, heat domes, polar vortexes and atmospheric rivers, that is!>

Friday, February 16, 2024


Manitoba News Release

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Serious Environmental Concerns Outweigh Uncertain 

Economic Benefit: Kinew

The Manitoba government has decided to not issue an environmental licence for the Vivian sand extraction project in the Rural Municipality of Springfield, Premier Wab Kinew and Environment and Climate Change Minister Tracy Schmidt announced today.

“Our government will always put the health and safety of Manitobans first, and this includes ensuring communities have safe, clean drinking water,” said Kinew. “After taking the time and doing our due diligence, our government has come to the decision that the risks of this proposal outweigh any potential benefits.”

The decision made by Schmidt was based on the information and data provided by experts including the report done by the Clean Environment Commission (CEC) as well as consultation with impacted communities and First Nations, noted Kinew. The CEC report identified a number of serious environmental concerns about this project, which would have extracted sand through aquifers that provide drinking water to 100,000 Manitobans, said the premier.

“We have a responsibility to ensure we are not endangering Manitobans’ drinking water,” said Schmidt. “This proposal failed to adequately consider long-term impacts including potential aquifer collapse. That’s why we made the decision to not issue a license for the Vivian sand extraction project.”

The CEC also heard from hundreds of Manitobans voicing their opposition to this project including the community of Springfield, local leaders, scientists and environmental advocacy groups, noted the minister.

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Friday, February 9, 2024

Climate Scientist Michael Mann Wins $1M in Defamation Suit


A jury on Thursday awarded US$1 million to climate scientist Michael Mann who sued a pair of conservative writers 12 years ago after they compared his depictions of global warming to a convicted sex offender. Story here.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Palm oil supplier to Nestle, Kellogg's & Colgate linked to Peru deforestation in report


 A supplier to brands including Nestle, Kellogg's and Colgate has been farming palm oil on deforested land in one of the best-preserved areas of Peru's Amazon rainforest, an environmental group said in an investigative report, opens new tab released on Wednesday. STORY HERE.

Court sides with youth in historic climate case against Ontario

ecojustice Seven Ontario youth are celebrating a landmark victory handed  down by the province’s top court. The Court of Appeal ruled in  fa...