
The Meat of the Problem

By Ezra Klein - Washington Post - Wednesday, July 29, 2009 Photo by l.p. It's not simply that meat is a contributor to global warming; it's that it is a huge contributor. Larger, by a significant margin, than the global transportation sector.

Why Corporations, Emerging Powers and Petro-States Are Snapping Up Huge Chunks of Farmland in the Developing World

By Scott Thill, AlterNet. Posted August 11, 2009. In the past six months, big players in the global economy have grabbed 50 million acres of arable land, from Africa to Southeast Asia. Click headline for more.

Northern Saskachewan Lakes at High Risk From Alberta Acid Rain Emissions

Saskatchewan Environmental Society August 10, 2009 Photo courtesy of Saskatchewan Tourism New monitoring data on rainfall in northern Saskatchewan and recently published research on the acid sensitivity of northern Saskatchewan soils show the urgent need for federal and provincial action to control Alberta oil sands pollution, the Saskatchewan Environmental Society said today. “If regulations to control acid pollution from Alberta’s oil sands are not put in place soon, many of Saskatchewan’s northern lakes will be seriously damaged in the decades to come” said Peter Prebble, Director of Energy and Water Policy with the Saskatchewan Environmental Society. “There are two important new pieces of evidence pointing to this conclusion” said Prebble. First, precipitation so acidic that it is classified by Environment Canada as “acid rain” is now falling on the La Loche region in northwest Saskatchewan. Second, recent work by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environm

Winnipeg Spraying for Dutch Elm Disease

Last Updated: Friday, August 7, 2009 - CBC The City of Winnipeg has begun treating American Elm trees on private and public property with the chemical Dursban to control elm bark beetles, the carriers of Dutch Elm Disease. Click headline for more. Eds. Note - Nine years ago, (2000), after the most extensive assessment of any chemical in its history, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided that Dursban may be more dangerous to people than once believed. It removed use of the pesticide, also known as chlorpyrifos, from products sold over-the-counter there. A "sister" pesticide, Lorsban, containing the same active ingredient and with similar chemical properties, became a nightmare for a Manitoba family when it was sprayed on a nearby crop. l.p.

Warming Oceans Starved of Oxygen

ISIS Press Release 10/08/09 Global warming is depleting oxygen from the ocean waters and threatening the survival of fisheries and the entire marine ecosystem. Click headline for more.

Severe Global Warming Will Render Half of World's Inhabited Areas Unliveable, Expert Warns

David Adam in Copenhagen - Parts of China, India and the eastern US could all become too warm in summer for people to lose heat by sweating, expert warns. Click headline for more.