
A Global Flood of Sewage the Focus of World Water Day

Tasha Eichenseher in Nairobi, Kenya - National Geographic News - Mar. 22 '10 Two billion tons of...

New Regulations Will Put an End to Mountaintop Mining

Suzanne Goldenberg Thursday 1 April 2010 Obama administration proposals will make...

EU Considers Easing Environmental Standards for Fuel

BY MIKE DE SOUZA, CANWEST NEWS SERVICE Mar 24 '10 OTTAWA — The European Union is considering weakening... AB tarpond, courtesy of Beautiful Destruction

Greenpeace Says Climate Denialism a 20–Year Industry

by Stacy Feldman - Mar 24th, 2010 - Current efforts to deny climate science are part of an...

Rhode Island Flooding

THE HUFFINGTON POST - March 30 '10 Worst in a hundred years. Editor's note" Just another "natural cycle," right? l.p. Courtesy; The Huffington Post.

Pollution from Asia Circles Globe at Stratospheric Heights

ScienceDaily (Mar. 26, 2010) — The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling...