
Canadian Species Confirmed At-Risk

The number of…..

Open Letter Supporting the Climate Change Accountability Act

The Accountability Act has already been given 3rd reading in the Commons. Below is a joint letter from a coalition of environment groups, urging the Senate to pass it, too. l.p. ===== ===== *L'Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA)*Canadian Youth Climate Coalition* Climate Action Network Canada* David Suzuki Foundation* Forest Ethics* For Our Grandchildren* KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives* Equiterre* Living Oceans* Manitoba Wildlands* National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) * Nature Canada* Oxfam Canada* Oxfam Quebec* the Pembina Institute* Polaris Institute* Saskatchewan Environmental Society* Sierra Club Canada* WWF Canada * May 6, 2010 Dear Senators, The climate crisis represents the most urgent challenge of our time. Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases is essential to avoid catastrophic changes in our climate that threaten millions of people with drought, famine, extreme weather events and

Nitrate Contamination Spreading in California Communities

May 13, 2010 | Julia Scott - California Watch The water supply of more.... Editor's Note: Are factory farms rearing their ugly heads again? l.p.

Sweet Success for Kit Kat Campaign: You asked, Nestlé has Answered

Greenpeace - May 17, 2010 A big 'Thank You' to...

America's Climate Choices

National Research Council of the Academies - US - May 21 - 2010 Strong Evidence on Climate Change Underscores Need For Actions Editor's note: Needless to say, our mainstream media are once again ignoring or playing down this important new report, opting instead to faithfully record every burp and fart on the stock markets, no matter how insignificant. l.p.

Scouring Scum and Tar from the Bottom of the Pit

Peter Cizek | July 9th 2006-Canadian Dimension Faced with the...