Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Manitobans Urged to Vote "Green"

Winnipeg Free Press - 09/7/2011

The Green Party of Manitoba wants you to hear what they have to say.
Details here.

James Beddome, Leader, Green
Party of Manitoba (PLT photo)

Tar Sands Pipelines: Our Moment of Truth Featured

Rafe Mair - The Common Sense Canadian
I reflect. We are, I think, at the moment of truth. Either we stop these pipelines or the environmental movement becomes…. Details here.

Drought Intensifies in U.S. South, No End in Sight

Manitoba Co-Operator - Kansas City | Reuters

Triple-digit heat breaks records, prolongs misery...Details here.

Rupture in Planned US Pipeline Could Release 7m Gallons of Oil (Tar?), Study Warns

Environmental engineers say pipeline operators TransCanada Corp have significantly underestimated the chances of a Keystone XL spill. Details here.
PLT: Apparently we are to believe spills 
like that of another company, into the Yellowstone R. recently, 
simply won't happen quite as much with Keystone! 
yeah, right!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Help the World Stand up to the Climate Crook, Rupert Murdoch! Please Sign the Petition!

Australia is about to pass a law that would slash carbon emissions and get polluters to pay. This is the front line in the fight for our planet's future -- if we win, it could spur bold global action. But Rupert Murdoch and big polluters are fighting hard to kill the bill, spreading messages of fear across the country. We can help drown out Murdoch's mantra with messages of hope from across the world and help pass the law -- join in now:  

Swollen Lake Winnipeg Slowly Killing Wetland

Bartley Kives - Winnipeg Free Press - 08/31/2011
People and vegetation disappearing, too. Details here.

Courtesy of 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nebraska Governor Calls on Obama to Deny Permit for Keystone XL Pipeline

Grant Schulte-Associated Press-08/31/2011
WASHINGTON - The governor of a midwestern state that would be affected by a pipeline proposed to go from Canada to Texas urged President Obama to deny a federal permit for construction of the pipeline. Details here.

PLT: Isn't it sad that the world is so short of enlightened politicians such as this!

Save the Amazon - Sign the Petition! (Avaaz)

The Amazon forest is at risk. The Brazilian Congress has watered down strict forest protection laws and brave Brazilian activists are being murdered for speaking out. It’s time for us to take this critical battle global -- if we all call on President Dilma to veto the bill, we could save the Amazon.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Helicopters Rush Food, Water to US Towns Cut Off by Irene's Floodwaters; 'We Need help'

Wpg. Free Press Aug 30 - '11
NEWFANE, Vt. - U.S. National Guard helicopters rushed food and water Tuesday to a dozen cut-off towns in the northeastern state of Vermont….Details here.
PLT: When will this world wake up and smell the C02? This is getting just stupid!

Are CBC’s science reporters violating Mother Corp’s own Journalistic Standards and Practices? (Opinion)

According to the JSP, “We do not promote any particular point of view.” Yet if you heard our Senior Science Reporter talk about the first pr...