
EPA to Strengthen Oversight of Pesticide’s Impact on Children and Farmworkers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 8, 2009 EPA WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to strengthen… (Editor's note: Perhaps our Canadian regulators could listen and learn....l.p.)

Tarsands Adding Carcinogens to Athabasca River: Study

CBC - De 7'09 A study of water quality at 60 sites along the Athabasca River and its tributaries makes it clear... Climate demo - Regina SK Summer - '09 (l.p. photo)

Hog Industry on the Ropes

by Elecia Chrunik - THE SASQUATCH - Dec/Jan '09 The Canadian hog industry is in trouble. Supply is...

Canada Must do More to Confront Climate Crisis - Science Matters

R. Turgano on December 4, 2009 By David Suzuki with Faisal Moola. People who deny the reality of human-caused global warming are wetting their...

Larry's Letter to the Free Press Re;"ClimateGate"

Dear Editor - I must say I wasn't surprised when I read "The View from the West" recently, called "Climate Skeptics Turn up the Heat; " especially considering where it came from. It came from Ken Green, a "scholar" from that oh-so-scientific body, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). In it, he predictably jumped on the "ClimateGate" bandwagon, harrumphing about how the science supporting human-caused global warming has now been tainted by the leaking of those memos from the climate centre in East Anglia, UK. Apparently we are now all supposed to turn our backs on the massive body of knowledge amassed by the world-renowned climatologists, meteorologists and glaciologists of the International Panel on Climate Change, and embrace the message of the AEI instead! Considering the Institute was founded on a partnership of top executives of leading business and financial firms, just what do you suppose that message might be; That we should turn

Warm Weather Puts Winter 'Lifeline' for Northern Manitoba Communities at Risk

Chinta Puxley, CP - 6/12/2009 WINNIPEG - The cost of everything from milk to gas in northern.. (Ed's. note: This wouldn't be climate change would it? Naaah! That's just bunk!) (Ice Road photo courtesy of Google Images.)