
Rising Ocean Acidity Will Only Worsen Global Warming

Nature News The slow and inexorable increase in the oceans’ acidity as they soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere could itself have an effect on climate and amplify global warming, according to a new study. Details here. A Mexican beach. PLT photo.

Canada's Voluntary Census Already Damaging Reliability of Statistics, Harm is ‘Cumulative’

the HillTimes There’s less reliable information for small towns, rural Canada. Details here.

Yosemite Fire Swallows Everything in its Path

B.C. Worries Oil Spill Would "Overwhelm" Resources

Canadian Press Officials in British Columbia have privately warned that the province lacks the ability to manage oil spills from existing and future oil traffic, and even a moderate spill would overwhelm their ability to respond, documents show. Full story here.

Nestlé's Extraction of Groundwater Near Hope Riles First Nations

Vancouver Sun Chiefs want compensation for removal of water from their traditional territories. Details here.

Rising Temperatures, Rising Food Prices

by Lester Brown A wheatfield in Manitoba, Canada. PLT photo Agriculture as it exists today developed over 11,000 years of rather remarkable climate  stability.  It has evolved to maximize production within that climate system. Now,  suddenly, the climate  is changing.  Details here.