
Is This What Climate Change Looks Like?

The water tower in my home town is  barely  visible in smoke said to have  spread all the way  from Washington State, about 2,000 kilometres away!  PinP photo. RELATED: " Only “Heroic Efforts” Will Spare Earth’s Mighty Boreal Forest From the Worst Ravages of Climate Change - Experts."

Cover Up? TTIP Negotiators Outed for Secret Talks With Big Tobacco

Common Dreams Forced by freedom of information request, officials release documents scrubbed of all content and names. Story here. RELATED: "Free Trade: Path to Prosperity - or Back Road to Corporatism?"

Latvia, Greece Win "Opt-Out" From Monsanto GM Crop

Manitoba Co-Operator Monsanto's MON810 is only GM crop grown in EU. Story here.

Monarch Butterfly Release Prompts City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada to Cancel Mosquito Fogging in Park

CBC News Winnipeg zoo's tag and release program for monarch butterflies now in fifth year. Story here.

The Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement is a License to be Unfair to Canadians. Since winning a majority in 2011, perhaps the most significant and irreversible decision by the Harper government was its lopsided investment deal with China. Story here. RELATED: " Free Trade: Path to Prosperity - or Back Road to Corporatism?"

New Centre For Climate Risk Reduction on the Prairies

MB Co-Operator The centre will focus on building community resilience. Story here.