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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Beyond Factory Farming Manitoba, a group promoting the ethical production of livestock, has launched a new website as a response to the "Unfriendly Manitoba" ad campaign by the Manitoba Pork Council.
“It’s time to put the friendly back into Manitoba farming,” says BFF's Glen Koroluk.
There is a small minority in our community who would make
you believe that Bill 17 would devastate our province.
The Truth of the matter is that the Bill does not go far enough!
It will still allow unfriendly factory hog barns to continue to operate and expand in most of rural Manitoba.
Bill 17 is an amendment to the Manitoba Environment Act
which. If enacted, it will prohibit the construction of new, confined livestock areas for hogs and hog manure storage facilities, or the expansion of exisiting ones, in specific areas of Manitoba.
It allows existing factory farms in these areas to operate business as usual.
However, these areas make up less than a third of Manitoba’s farm land,
leaving the rest of the province open for unfettered large-scale
factory hog production.
Shifting a polluting industry from one part of the province to the other
is not friendly to family farms, not friendly to the environment,
and not friendly to rural Manitoba. And as it stands, Bill 17 will not reverse the deterioration of our provincial waterways, including Lake Winnipeg.
In fact, with millions of dollars of taxpayer aid, Manitoba’s hog
industry is restructuring, consolidating and expanding its
slaughter capacity.
This means Maple Leaf Foods and Hytek will be building new factory finishing barns in western Manitoba.
The launch of http://www.friendlymanitoba.org will take place:
11:00 am on Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 at the Forks Market: Tower Atrium (beside the canopy)
For further information, call Glen Koroluk at 296-2872 cell 943-3945
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
AGROFUEL MADNESS - by Larry Powell
WINNIPEG. Apr.29th - '08 - The awful consequences of the biofuel craze now sweeping the planet, were starkly brought to light at a public forum at the University of Winnipeg this evening.
(Car/Combine rendering courtesy of
the Government of Manitoba।)
Called "Crops, Cars and Climate Crisis," the forum featured four notable experts on the topic.
the Government of Manitoba।)
Called "Crops, Cars and Climate Crisis," the forum featured four notable experts on the topic.
They all referred to the dramatic and disastrous food price increases that are devastating the world's poor and which are being aggravated by the diversion of so much food into vehicles.
One of the guest speakers was Javiera Rulli, of "Base Investigaciones" in Paraguay.
She told of an assault taking place on the environment, human health and human rights of citizens of that South American country।
It is all due to the transformation of the small nation to monoculture crops for the production of "biofuels" or "agrofuels" to power vehicles, rather than to feed people, she said.
Big landowners and farmers are clearing forests, displacing people, sometimes by force and treating the large, genetically-engineered fields with sprays that often inflict serious skin ailments on children living nearby, Rulli said।
(Rulli showed her large audience a slide of a young boy suffering from a serious rash covering his entire body।)
She added, this ruthless push to transform the country was being aided and encouraged by large chemical companies such as Syngenta.
People once used the disappearing forests to hunt, trap and log, she went on. Now, those opportunities are disappearing, too, along with natural places and the biodiversity of wildlife which lived there.
Another speaker, Pat Mooney of "ETC Group," Ottawa, said he has spoken directly with many of the "movers and shakers" in the biofuels industry.
Oddly enough, he says, many are, themselves renouncing this rush to divert food into fuel. Instead, he says, they are hinting at some, mysterious "second phase" of biofuels which will correct all the problems of the past. But, he adds, they won't come clean on the details. He notes that the players putting big money into researching this "second phase" are the same ones who've created the problems in the first place!
"Depending on biofuels to solve our problems," quipped Mooney, "is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine!"
The other speakers at the forum were Darrin Qualman of the National Farmers Union and Diddit Pelegrina of SEARICE, the Phillipines.
(Also please read "Bursting the Ethanol Bubble.")
Friday, April 11, 2008
A new report released by Greenpeace on the 10th of April 2008 finds that logging in Canada’s Boreal Forest is making global warming worse by releasing greenhouse gases and reducing carbon storage. It also finds that logging makes the forest more susceptible to global warming impacts like wildfires and insect outbreaks, which in turn release more greenhouse gases.
Executive summary
Canada’s Boreal Forest is dense with life. Richly populated with plants, birds, animals, and trees; home to hundreds of communities; and a wellspring of fresh water and oxygen, the Boreal has long been recognized as a critically important ecosystem. But as rising temperatures threaten to destabilize the planet, the potential of the Boreal’s carbon-rich expanses to mitigate global warming continues to be underestimated.
Based in part on a comprehensive review of scientific literature by researchers at the University of Toronto1, this report examines the complex relationship between global warming and Canada’s Boreal Forest. It finds that the intact areas of the Boreal are not only actively helping to slow global warming, but are also helping the forest itself to resist and recover from global warming impacts. These unfragmented areas are also helping trees, plants, and animals to migrate and adapt in response to changing climate conditions.
At the same time, however, it finds that logging is destabilizing the Boreal Forest in ways that may exacerbate both global warming and its impacts. The forest products industry and government regulators adamantly deny that logging in Canada’s Boreal affects the climate. But research shows that when the forest is degraded through logging and industrial development, massive amounts of greenhouse gasses are released into the atmosphere, and the forest becomes more vulnerable to global warming impacts like fires and insect outbreaks. In many cases, these impacts cause even more greenhouse gasses to be released, driving a vicious circle in which global warming degrades the Boreal Forest, and Boreal Forest degradation advances global warming. If left unchecked, this could culminate in a catastrophic release of greenhouse gasses known as “the carbon bomb”.
For these reasons, the report concludes that greenhouse gas emissions must be drastically reduced and that intact areas of Canada’s Boreal Forest must be protected—for the sake of the forest, and for the sake of the climate.
(For the complete report, click on the link to the right.)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A Special Place.
Last fall, I had the privilege of visiting an enchanting area of my province along and around the Waterhen River. It's distinctive for a couple of reasons. It's the shortest river in all of the province, flowing out of Waterhen Lake and into northern Lake Manitoba. And it's also the province's most pristine. Environment Canada actually called it "excellent" in terms of water quality, the only Manitoba river to get that rating. I'm posting a few shots here for your enjoyment.
PinP photos.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Photos Courtesy of "Stop the Hogs."
Dear Editor,
Seldom has there been a more important public debate in Manitoba than the one now raging over the hog industry.
Make no mistake. The issues here are grave.
A powerful industry, represented by the Manitoba Pork Council (MPC), is not only pitting itself against those of us who actually care about our air, water and soil, it's also challenging the very right of a democratically-elected government to govern on behalf of its citizens.
Thrown into this explosive mix are questions about the role of our cherished academic institutions. Are they remaining "above the fray?" Or are they taking sides?
Over a year ago, amid howls and threats from the hog lobby, the government of Manitoba imposed a temporary ban on new factory barns. This was to allow the Clean Environment Commission (CEC) to study how sustainable they are.
After receiving that CEC study a few weeks ago, the government obviously decided, they aren't sustainable enough.
It kept the ban in place in three regions of the province. That leaves open a vast area of Manitoba where they will still be allowed, however.
This map shows existing hog factories.
But that isn't enough for the industry. As usual, it wants it all. It is demanding the government reverse its decision and lift the ban in all areas, saying, with monotonous regularity, that it is being "picked on."
It has once again dragged out a tired old "study" that pigs contribute just a tiny part of all nutrient-loading in Lake Winnipeg. It turns out, that "study" has never been peer-reviewed, published in a scientific journal, or even mentioned in the CEC report!
Perhaps even more disturbing is the knee jerk reaction of a University of Manitoba official to march in lock- step with the MPC's shaky science on the matter. In several media statements, the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Michael Trevan has supported the MPC's position.
Significantly, the CEC itself recognizes there are "shortcomings in the current science" surrounding this matter. So just how can Dean Trevan be so sure of himself in this case?
The U of M has had long-standing relationships with the pork industry over the years.
For example, a company specializing in hog genetics, "Genesus," provided the breeding stock at the University's Glenlea Research Station south of Winnipeg.
Genesus is no shrinking violet when it comes to politics. In a recent article on its website, it demands that the Government of Saskatchewan get out of the hog business. The article labels that involvement "foolish and socialistic."
So does the University (and Dean Trevan obviously speaks for his institution) simply share the same ideological bent as its business partner "Genesus?" (i.e. that government has no business interfering in the affairs of commerce?)
The Pork Council already has the backing of the corporate media in the province. That is no surprise.
What is, is the U of M's apparent willingness to risk its reputation as a place of intellectual, independent thought!
Then there's the endless argument over "sustainable development." (That which meets the needs of the present without compromising future generations.)
Listening to the Pork Council, you'd think they are as sustainable as can be.
Never mind that you and I are paying out millions in endless government subsidies so the industry can carry on. (Manitoba just recently announced about $20m dollars would go toward upgrading water treatement systems at two hog slaughtering plants in the province. Not to mention government aid to help slaughter excess hogs plus an unknown amount to help the industry "cope" with the continuing hog barn bans.)
Its sometimes said that, if the industry had to pay for the true social costs of its operations, it would go broke. Interestingly, while it bristles at suggestions of government regulation, it is not so proud as to refuse the corporate welfare so lavishly bestowed upon it by the public purse.
Larry Powell - Roblin MB
(Powell represented "Citizens for Family Farms" in a submission to the CEC one year ago.)
Monday, February 25, 2008
The value of planting trees was questioned at a public meeting in Rossburn, MB on Feb.21st. Perhaps up to a hundred people were there, including several students from local schools.
The meeting was called to examine how climate change might affect agriculture.
Two speakers at the meeting actually challenged the role of tree-planting as a way to absorb harmful greenhouse gasses.
Curt Hull of Climate Change Connection, one of the meeting's guest speaker, said trees may absorb such gasses during their life-cycle, (through a process known as "sequestration) but actually put it back into the air when they die and decay. *(See his more detailed explanation, and another view from the PFRA below.)
Another speaker, Leloni Scott of Manitoba Agriculture and Rural Initiatives, agreed. Ms. Scott claimed tree-planting is over-rated as a way to "sequester" gasses.
Unconventional Wisdom?
Those statements clearly came as a surprise to several people in attendance,including one of the teachers, Audrey Clempson. Ms. Clempson, a Grade 7 teacher at Rossburn Elementary, said after the meeting, her students who were there with her, have been on tree-planting projects themselves. She says both she and her students "wondered" about the statements that tree-planting may not be as helpful in the fight against climate change as previously believed. She says she has written a letter to the Biosphere Reserve asking for clarification.
To Spray or not to Spray?
One farmer in the audience claimed that, rather than causing global warming, farms actually absorb carbon dioxide through the trees and shrubs on their property.
Another person asked why, then do farmers often launch large programs to spray pesticides and kill trees which encroach on pastures used for grazing cattle.
This Ontario-based "fleet" uses Roblin MB as its base to "kick some (poplar tree) butt in what is euphemistically called "forest management."
Uncertain Future.
Some speakers suggested the global phenomenon of climate change may even spell opportunity for farmers, bringing an extended growing season and an increase in productivity.
But Hank Venema of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, (a Winnipeg-based think-tank) warned that the future is not really that easy to predict. Except for the dust bowl of the thirties, Dr. Venema noted the 20th century was unusually wet. But, given the severe weather events which are hallmarks of climate change, we may just as easily face serious drought in the years ahead.
He reminded the audience of our rapidly vanishing glaciers which supply much of the water for the rivers which flow from the mountains across the prairies.
Farming has profoundly altered our prairie landscape, Venema went on, and necessarily so from the point of view of economic development. But he wondered if we have now gone too far. He urged that more natural areas, such as wetlands be preserved and perhaps expanded because they act as buffers against the extremes of global warming.
He noted that, just a few years ago, a severe drought in much of Saskatchewan left many producers short of hay bales for their livestock. It led to the now-famous event in which producers in central Canada shipped bales west to help out. Dr. Venema says Ducks Unlimited released many Saskatchewan wetlands from their protected status in order to free them up for hay production. That was a move which revealed the critical importance of such areas by helping many local producers, he said.
CURT HULL* "Every living organism has a net zero effect on carbon sequestration. As a tree grows from seed, it draws carbon out of the air and soil and converts it into all of the proteins and fibres and other elements in its makeup. As its leaves, and eventually when its branches and trunk die and decompose, all of that carbon is released back into the environment.
We add to the carbon sink (i.e. we add to the amount of carbon drawn out of the atmosphere and "sequestered") when we create new forests.
A forest is like a bank - a carbon savings account. In a healthy forest, some young trees are growing, some old trees are dying, but there is more carbon sequestered than when there was no forest there at all. When we prevent forests from being destroyed, we allow that carbon to "stay in the bank".
When we burn fossil fuels, we are actually burning ancient forests. Before we burn it, the oil contains carbon that was drawn out of the atmosphere millions of years ago." Curt Hull.
"Dear Larry:
I do have a few comments that I hope may be helpful. I hope that they come across as simple common sense.
There was a statement on your blog that the Grade 7 teacher was concerned that “…tree-planting may not be as helpful in the fight against climate change as previously believed.” Similarly, there was a statement in your message below that trees are “over-rated” as a way to sequester carbon. It begs the question – What do people believe and who’s doing the over-rating? It may be that people have unrealistic expectations about trees – I don’t know. However, nobody should doubt that growing trees absorb carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis is that marvelous process by which plants turn CO2 into carbohydrates and O2.
Of course Curt Hull is right and individual trees have a finite lifespan (some very long) and, when they die, the carbon that they contain has to go somewhere. At equilibrium, a forest ecosystem will have the rate of carbon taken up in tree growth balanced by the rate of carbon loss in tree death and decay. In this case, the forest has a lot of sequestered carbon and it is a carbon reservoir but it is no longer a carbon sink. It would become a carbon source if a forest fire roared through it.
Dry wood is very close to 50% carbon so a forest, including the roots, really does sequester a lot of carbon. Vigorously growing trees are a carbon sink, and the amount of carbon that a tree sequesters every year can be calculated as 50% of its net biomass increase. Interactions with its surroundings may cause some further carbon increases or decreases in the other vegetation in their vicinity. Trapped snow or shelter may increase the productivity of other plants while competition for water, nutrients and light could decrease the productivity of other plants.
People can therefore avoid “over-rating” the sequestration benefits of trees by learning the basics of the carbon cycle.
An important thing to consider is the fate of the wood. If the wood gets buried or is used to build a house, the carbon that it contains lasts well beyond the tree’s lifespan. But, in any case, sequestering carbon in trees is a measure that is effective for a limited period. If we continue to burn fossil fuels in the meantime, we have to know that trees will not compensate for the new CO2 that we’re putting into the atmosphere.
But using the trees as a bio-fuel would allow us to substitute for the fossil fuels. If we plant trees at the same rate as we harvest them and burn them for their energy, the carbon that they release when burned should be balanced by the carbon they absorb from the atmosphere – a closed loop. So maybe “brush management” should consist of sustainably harvesting the encroaching trees and shrubs and using the wood as a bio-fuel, assuming we have efficient bio-fuel burners installed.
One final comment about trees dying and decaying: we need some dying and decaying trees in our ecosystems as habitat for birds, mammals, insects, micro-organisms, etc. This may indeed detract from their value as a carbon sink but it’s important to keep biodiversity on our agricultural landscapes."
John Kort PhD
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada/Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
PFRA Shelterbelt Centre/Centre des brise-vent de l'ARAP
P.O. Box 940/C.P. 940
Indian Head, SK, Canada
S0G 2K0
Telephone/TƩlƩphone: 306-695-5130
Cell/Cellulaire: 306-660-7100
The meeting was called to examine how climate change might affect agriculture.
Two speakers at the meeting actually challenged the role of tree-planting as a way to absorb harmful greenhouse gasses.
Curt Hull of Climate Change Connection, one of the meeting's guest speaker, said trees may absorb such gasses during their life-cycle, (through a process known as "sequestration) but actually put it back into the air when they die and decay. *(See his more detailed explanation, and another view from the PFRA below.)
Another speaker, Leloni Scott of Manitoba Agriculture and Rural Initiatives, agreed. Ms. Scott claimed tree-planting is over-rated as a way to "sequester" gasses.
Unconventional Wisdom?
Those statements clearly came as a surprise to several people in attendance,including one of the teachers, Audrey Clempson. Ms. Clempson, a Grade 7 teacher at Rossburn Elementary, said after the meeting, her students who were there with her, have been on tree-planting projects themselves. She says both she and her students "wondered" about the statements that tree-planting may not be as helpful in the fight against climate change as previously believed. She says she has written a letter to the Biosphere Reserve asking for clarification.
To Spray or not to Spray?
One farmer in the audience claimed that, rather than causing global warming, farms actually absorb carbon dioxide through the trees and shrubs on their property.
Another person asked why, then do farmers often launch large programs to spray pesticides and kill trees which encroach on pastures used for grazing cattle.
This Ontario-based "fleet" uses Roblin MB as its base to "kick some (poplar tree) butt in what is euphemistically called "forest management."
Uncertain Future.
Some speakers suggested the global phenomenon of climate change may even spell opportunity for farmers, bringing an extended growing season and an increase in productivity.
But Hank Venema of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, (a Winnipeg-based think-tank) warned that the future is not really that easy to predict. Except for the dust bowl of the thirties, Dr. Venema noted the 20th century was unusually wet. But, given the severe weather events which are hallmarks of climate change, we may just as easily face serious drought in the years ahead.
He reminded the audience of our rapidly vanishing glaciers which supply much of the water for the rivers which flow from the mountains across the prairies.
Farming has profoundly altered our prairie landscape, Venema went on, and necessarily so from the point of view of economic development. But he wondered if we have now gone too far. He urged that more natural areas, such as wetlands be preserved and perhaps expanded because they act as buffers against the extremes of global warming.
He noted that, just a few years ago, a severe drought in much of Saskatchewan left many producers short of hay bales for their livestock. It led to the now-famous event in which producers in central Canada shipped bales west to help out. Dr. Venema says Ducks Unlimited released many Saskatchewan wetlands from their protected status in order to free them up for hay production. That was a move which revealed the critical importance of such areas by helping many local producers, he said.
CURT HULL* "Every living organism has a net zero effect on carbon sequestration. As a tree grows from seed, it draws carbon out of the air and soil and converts it into all of the proteins and fibres and other elements in its makeup. As its leaves, and eventually when its branches and trunk die and decompose, all of that carbon is released back into the environment.
We add to the carbon sink (i.e. we add to the amount of carbon drawn out of the atmosphere and "sequestered") when we create new forests.
A forest is like a bank - a carbon savings account. In a healthy forest, some young trees are growing, some old trees are dying, but there is more carbon sequestered than when there was no forest there at all. When we prevent forests from being destroyed, we allow that carbon to "stay in the bank".
When we burn fossil fuels, we are actually burning ancient forests. Before we burn it, the oil contains carbon that was drawn out of the atmosphere millions of years ago." Curt Hull.
"Dear Larry:
I do have a few comments that I hope may be helpful. I hope that they come across as simple common sense.
There was a statement on your blog that the Grade 7 teacher was concerned that “…tree-planting may not be as helpful in the fight against climate change as previously believed.” Similarly, there was a statement in your message below that trees are “over-rated” as a way to sequester carbon. It begs the question – What do people believe and who’s doing the over-rating? It may be that people have unrealistic expectations about trees – I don’t know. However, nobody should doubt that growing trees absorb carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis is that marvelous process by which plants turn CO2 into carbohydrates and O2.
Of course Curt Hull is right and individual trees have a finite lifespan (some very long) and, when they die, the carbon that they contain has to go somewhere. At equilibrium, a forest ecosystem will have the rate of carbon taken up in tree growth balanced by the rate of carbon loss in tree death and decay. In this case, the forest has a lot of sequestered carbon and it is a carbon reservoir but it is no longer a carbon sink. It would become a carbon source if a forest fire roared through it.
Dry wood is very close to 50% carbon so a forest, including the roots, really does sequester a lot of carbon. Vigorously growing trees are a carbon sink, and the amount of carbon that a tree sequesters every year can be calculated as 50% of its net biomass increase. Interactions with its surroundings may cause some further carbon increases or decreases in the other vegetation in their vicinity. Trapped snow or shelter may increase the productivity of other plants while competition for water, nutrients and light could decrease the productivity of other plants.
People can therefore avoid “over-rating” the sequestration benefits of trees by learning the basics of the carbon cycle.
An important thing to consider is the fate of the wood. If the wood gets buried or is used to build a house, the carbon that it contains lasts well beyond the tree’s lifespan. But, in any case, sequestering carbon in trees is a measure that is effective for a limited period. If we continue to burn fossil fuels in the meantime, we have to know that trees will not compensate for the new CO2 that we’re putting into the atmosphere.
But using the trees as a bio-fuel would allow us to substitute for the fossil fuels. If we plant trees at the same rate as we harvest them and burn them for their energy, the carbon that they release when burned should be balanced by the carbon they absorb from the atmosphere – a closed loop. So maybe “brush management” should consist of sustainably harvesting the encroaching trees and shrubs and using the wood as a bio-fuel, assuming we have efficient bio-fuel burners installed.
One final comment about trees dying and decaying: we need some dying and decaying trees in our ecosystems as habitat for birds, mammals, insects, micro-organisms, etc. This may indeed detract from their value as a carbon sink but it’s important to keep biodiversity on our agricultural landscapes."
John Kort PhD
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada/Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
PFRA Shelterbelt Centre/Centre des brise-vent de l'ARAP
P.O. Box 940/C.P. 940
Indian Head, SK, Canada
S0G 2K0
Telephone/TƩlƩphone: 306-695-5130
Cell/Cellulaire: 306-660-7100
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Some time ago, I sent a a story I had written and researched about the role of Manitoba's livestock sector in the production of greenhouse gases, to the Premier and the Ministers of Agriculture and Conservation (Environment) for their comment.
Please see my original message and story, below, then the government's response after that.
I am presenting them here without comment. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Why not scroll down and send me feedback via email?
Dear Premier Doer and Ministers Wowchuk & Struthers;
I would very much appreciate it if you could get back to me with your observations on the article below.
Thanks so much for your attention.
Larry Powell
by Larry Powell .
Roblin MB Oct. 30th '07
Figures from Environment Canada show that farming is playing an increasing role in Manitoba's levels of greenhouse gases.
In 1990, agriculture produced just under one quarter of this province's emissions. (24.4%) Fifteen years later, by 2004, that share had jumped to almost one third of the total. (32.8%)
Manitoba's growing livestock numbers are believed to be the cause.
This province's beef cattle population has been growing steadily in the past decade, to about 1.3 million today. As well, about five million hogs are slaughtered in the province each year. That number has more than doubled in the past decade.
And therein seems to lie the problem.
In a report submitted to a United Nations meeting on climate change, Environment Canada says a couple of factors contributed significantly to the increase over that period.
Gases produced from manure spread on Manitoba cropland and pastures jumped by more than two-thirds. (68%) But close behind was a source often made fun of, or ignored. That is the flatulence produced mostly by beef cattle. It went up 60%.
Cows produce a lot of methane which, as a greenhouse gas, is 21 times stronger than carbon dioxide, the most common one.
The increasing use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer is also a significant source because such fertilizer produces nitrous oxide; 310 times more powerful than carbon dioxide.
The figures on agriculture do not include the emissions produced by farm machinery or the energy used to heat farm buildings.
The one-third share of emissions contributed by Manitoba farms in 2004 compares to just 7 percent which agriculture contributed, overall in Canada that year.
The percentage which Manitoba farms contributed over that ten year period went up by 45%. The corresponding figure for Canada as a whole was 23%.
OBSERVATION: Manitoba's factory-farming model does not exactly cover itself in glory with its above-the-national-average performance in the creation of climate-changing greenhouse gases.
Nor does lavish praise from our Agriculture Minister, Rosann Wowchuk, change that fact.
The Minister recently referred to Manitoba's livestock sector as "an industry that is providing leadership to the rest of the country in environmental sustainability!"
Is it any wonder, then that this same government recently told a rural municipality in the province it wouldn't approve the RM's development plan if it did not remove a provision that called for a cap on the size of animal operations? L.P.
January 23, 2008
Dear Mr. Powell:
I am writing in response to your letter regarding greenhouse gas levels in Manitoba.
Agricultural emissions appear out of proportion with overall greenhouse gas emissions in Manitoba because other sources are comparatively small, due primarily to the environmentally sustainable hydro-electricity we use as our main power source. In fact, agricultural activities in our province represent just 0.8 per cent of total Canadian greenhouse gas emissions, and are among the lowest in Canada. They are also the lowest of all three prairie provinces.
Manitoba is a leader in environmental sustainability strategies, and the fact that we are updating our climate change action plan, which is among the most progressive in North America, is a clear indication of this leadership. We have been recognized nationally and internationally for our efforts and remain committed to meeting the greenhouse gas reduction targets of the Kyoto Accord.
In my department, we have undertaken numerous initiatives to sustain and enhance our environment, including:
the Covering New Ground Program which has provided over $10 million to fund sustainability projects;
a soil testing program which is helping farmers determine the amount of fertilizer and other management practices that are best for their soil types;
support for the Alternative Land Use Services project, which provides incentives to farmers to implement management practices that contribute to sustainability;
delivery of the national Environmental Farm Plan program to over 6,000 producers, which has influenced sustainable farming practices on over 8.1 million acres of agricultural land.
I note that because of the efforts of my department and the commitment of Manitoba farmers, we have had the greatest participation in environmental farm planning of all three prairie provinces. Through these and other initiatives, Manitoba farmers are contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the benefit of future generations.
Thank you for your thoughts on this important topic of environmental sustainability in agriculture.
original signed by
Rosann Wowchuk
Premier Gary Doer
Honourable Stan Struthers
Please see my original message and story, below, then the government's response after that.
I am presenting them here without comment. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Why not scroll down and send me feedback via email?
Dear Premier Doer and Ministers Wowchuk & Struthers;
I would very much appreciate it if you could get back to me with your observations on the article below.
Thanks so much for your attention.
Larry Powell
by Larry Powell .
Roblin MB Oct. 30th '07
Figures from Environment Canada show that farming is playing an increasing role in Manitoba's levels of greenhouse gases.
In 1990, agriculture produced just under one quarter of this province's emissions. (24.4%) Fifteen years later, by 2004, that share had jumped to almost one third of the total. (32.8%)
Manitoba's growing livestock numbers are believed to be the cause.
This province's beef cattle population has been growing steadily in the past decade, to about 1.3 million today. As well, about five million hogs are slaughtered in the province each year. That number has more than doubled in the past decade.
And therein seems to lie the problem.
In a report submitted to a United Nations meeting on climate change, Environment Canada says a couple of factors contributed significantly to the increase over that period.
Gases produced from manure spread on Manitoba cropland and pastures jumped by more than two-thirds. (68%) But close behind was a source often made fun of, or ignored. That is the flatulence produced mostly by beef cattle. It went up 60%.
Cows produce a lot of methane which, as a greenhouse gas, is 21 times stronger than carbon dioxide, the most common one.
The increasing use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer is also a significant source because such fertilizer produces nitrous oxide; 310 times more powerful than carbon dioxide.
The figures on agriculture do not include the emissions produced by farm machinery or the energy used to heat farm buildings.
The one-third share of emissions contributed by Manitoba farms in 2004 compares to just 7 percent which agriculture contributed, overall in Canada that year.
The percentage which Manitoba farms contributed over that ten year period went up by 45%. The corresponding figure for Canada as a whole was 23%.
OBSERVATION: Manitoba's factory-farming model does not exactly cover itself in glory with its above-the-national-average performance in the creation of climate-changing greenhouse gases.
Nor does lavish praise from our Agriculture Minister, Rosann Wowchuk, change that fact.
The Minister recently referred to Manitoba's livestock sector as "an industry that is providing leadership to the rest of the country in environmental sustainability!"
Is it any wonder, then that this same government recently told a rural municipality in the province it wouldn't approve the RM's development plan if it did not remove a provision that called for a cap on the size of animal operations? L.P.
January 23, 2008
Dear Mr. Powell:
I am writing in response to your letter regarding greenhouse gas levels in Manitoba.
Agricultural emissions appear out of proportion with overall greenhouse gas emissions in Manitoba because other sources are comparatively small, due primarily to the environmentally sustainable hydro-electricity we use as our main power source. In fact, agricultural activities in our province represent just 0.8 per cent of total Canadian greenhouse gas emissions, and are among the lowest in Canada. They are also the lowest of all three prairie provinces.
Manitoba is a leader in environmental sustainability strategies, and the fact that we are updating our climate change action plan, which is among the most progressive in North America, is a clear indication of this leadership. We have been recognized nationally and internationally for our efforts and remain committed to meeting the greenhouse gas reduction targets of the Kyoto Accord.
In my department, we have undertaken numerous initiatives to sustain and enhance our environment, including:
the Covering New Ground Program which has provided over $10 million to fund sustainability projects;
a soil testing program which is helping farmers determine the amount of fertilizer and other management practices that are best for their soil types;
support for the Alternative Land Use Services project, which provides incentives to farmers to implement management practices that contribute to sustainability;
delivery of the national Environmental Farm Plan program to over 6,000 producers, which has influenced sustainable farming practices on over 8.1 million acres of agricultural land.
I note that because of the efforts of my department and the commitment of Manitoba farmers, we have had the greatest participation in environmental farm planning of all three prairie provinces. Through these and other initiatives, Manitoba farmers are contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the benefit of future generations.
Thank you for your thoughts on this important topic of environmental sustainability in agriculture.
original signed by
Rosann Wowchuk
Premier Gary Doer
Honourable Stan Struthers
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