
Climate Negotiators Grow Impatient at Lack of Leadership From America (& Canada,too?l.p.)

UN and EU pile pressure on US to set ambitious carbon cuts... John Vidal in Barcelona , Monday 2 November 2009

Radio Program (Podcast) on Family Farms

Listen to a one-hour program on CBC Radio's, "The Current" about the assault on Canada's family farmers by agribusiness. Go to: scroll down & click on "Pt.2 - War in the Country." Thanks! l.p.

Reforming Our Food Production Can Start With Curbing Antibiotic Use

Rep. Louise Slaughter - U.S. Congresswoman from New York's 28th District November 3, 2009 Huffington Post Jonathan Safran Foer's new book, "Eating Animals ," has inspired a lively discussion here at HuffPo about how we produce the food...

Lizards, Rodent and Tree Frog Join Over 17,000 Others on Endangered Species List

By: Frank Jordans, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - 3/11/2009 GENEVA - A rare Panamanian tree frog, a rodent from Madagascar and two lizards found only in the Philippines are among...

Our Degrading Landscape - by Larry Powell

Man's mark on Planet Earth can now be seen at every turn. Not only does an increasing human population put greater demand on finite natural resources, each one of us seems to need, or want ever-more of what we already have. Jul.'04 - A wildflower field in western MB . Photo by Graham Powell (l.p. photos-click to enlarge.) Nov.'09 - Five years later, the trees in the background of the same field (above) are being logged. T he future of the field itself, where wild crocuses bloom in profusion each spring, is unknown. For some time now, more and more landowners throughout southwestern MB (not necessarily this one) have been signing agreements with Louisiana Pacific, a foreign-owned multinational corporations to supply it with logs. The company lied to authorities when it was first granted its license in the '90s, saying there were enough trees in its initial license area in the Duck and Porcupine Mountains to last "for a hundred years." If this were the case,

Toxic Contaminants: The Other Scourge

By Neena Bhandari SYDNEY, Nov 2 (IPS) - As the world focuses on the impact of climate change, little attention is being paid to yet another...