
Federal Funding for Farmers' Markets

Winnipeg Free Press - By: Staff Writer - 28/11/2009 The federal government will spend... (l.p. photo)

Going Green Means Having Fewer Kids

By Emily Badger , . Posted Oc. 19'09 - Alternet There are already just too many people on the planet. What are we supposed to do about it?....

Climate Rage

By Naomi Klein - November 11th, 2009 - Published in Rolling Stone One last chance to save the world—for months, that's how the United Nations summit on climate change....

The Story of Stuff (Video)

Watch this amazing video, "The Story of Stuff - How the World Works." It pretty much tells it all. l.p.

Genetically Engineered Crops = Increased Pesticide Use

November 2009 - Charles Benbrook, Ph.D. 
Chief Scientist - 
The Organic Center Genetically-engineered corn, soybeans, and cotton now account for...

Millions of indigenous people continue to farm and raise animals the ancient way, the organic way.

Nov. 26 -'09 - Organic Consumers' Asn. 4,200 Years of Farming on the Colorado Plateau On the Colorado Plateau farming has been an unbroken cultural tradition for at least 4200 years. The Navajo, Zuni, Apache, Hopi, Paiute and Tewa have cultivated the most diverse annual crop assemblage in the New World north of the Tropic of Cancer. The Wayana's Cultivated Eden The farming system of the Wayana society of French Guyana is based on diverse and flexible cultivation, with characteristically high biodiversity. Organic agriculture and permaculture form a rich, biologically complex system of food production, complimented by wildcrafting, fishing, and hunting. In Wayana, there is no artificial separation between cultivated and wil

Activists Target "World of Coca-Cola"

Nov.25-'09 - By Matthew Cardinale - IPS ATLANTA, Georgia, Nov 24 (IPS) - Activists from the U.S. and Colombia are targeting the World of Coca-Cola museum, located...

Climate Destroyer Shut Down by Activists in Indonesian Rainforest

Nov.25 - '09 - Greenpeace With just 12 days before the critical UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen, our activists are taking...

Mankind Using Earth's Resources at Alarming Rate

Nov. 24, 2009 - Agence France Presse WASHINGTON - Humanity would need five Earths to produce the resources needed if everyone lived as profligately as Americans...

Antarctic Ice Loss Vaster, Faster Than Thought: Study

Monday, 23 November 2009 - the Independent - UK The East Antarctic icesheet, once seen as largely unaffected by global warming, has...

Manitoba Extends Stubble-Burning Permit Requirement

Staff - MB Co-Operator - 11/19/2009 "Unusually late" autumn weather has led Manitoba's agriculture department to extend the requirement... Photo courtesy of