
Yemen's Water Crisis Eclipses al Qaeda Threat

Feb 17-2-10 - by Ulf Laessing SANAA (Reuters) - Yemeni water trader… (REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah)

Endangered Species on the Grill: The Black Market in Illegal Meat Flourishes in the US

AlterNet / By Anneli Rufus Millions of fork-twirling gourmands -- many of them in the U.S. -- are eating...

A Quarter of U.S. Nuclear Plants Are Leaking a Radioactive Material Linked to Cancer

Alternet - Harvey Wasserman feb 12 -2010 At least 27 of America's 104 aging atomic reactors are known to be leaking….

Oil Groups Mount Legal Challenge to Schwarzenegger's Tar Sands Ban Feb 16-2010 • Californian legislation branded 'unconstitutional'...

U.S. Press Digs Into IPCC Story

The Observatory — February 15, 2010 - By Curtis Brainard Articles still fall short of ambitious work in the U.K.

The Day After Tomorrow Might Have Been Yesterday

Matthew Berger - Inter Press Service - Feb. 14 - 2010 WASHINGTON, 12 Feb (IPS) - When the 2004 film "The Day After...

Unravelling the “Miracle” of Malawi’s Green Revolution

GRAIN - Feb 12 - 2010 Malawi farmers - courtesy of BBC News Malawi’s green revolution success story has been...

38% of World's Land in Danger of Turning into Desert

by Brian Merchant, Brooklyn, New York on 02.10.10 - treehugger If you're not familiar with desertification, it might be time...

Cattle Pastures in Deforested Amazon Now the Size of Iceland

by Brian Merchant, Brooklyn, New York on 01.31.09 - Treehugger The largest rainforest in the world is being chopped down almost entirely for...

Amazon Will Be Drier Because of Global Warming, But Won’t Turn to Savannah

by Matthew McDermott, New York, NY on 02.11.09 TreeHugger Under some global warming scenarios….

The Right's Inability to Grasp Climate Change May Be Funny, But It's Also Very Dangerous

AlterNet / By Daniela Perdomo The so-called Snowpocalypse has brought out the...