
Ontario's Major Bee Losses Blamed on Mites

Staff - MB Co-Operator - 3/10/2010 Unexpectedly high overwintering...

SPECIAL INVITATION Join a Global Conversation

Dear Friend, On March 25 , State of the Planet 2010 will bring together the world's most influential and innovative thinkers and leaders in a wide range of fields—from many academic disciplines to media, government, policy and business spheres—to tackle critical issues facing the world. This year’s conference is the result of a partnership between the Earth Institute, The Economist and Ericsson. State of the Planet 2010 will focus on four important challenges: climate change, poverty, economic recovery and international systems. Speakers will include President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa of Mexico; UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon ; Jeffrey D. Sachs , director of the Earth Institute; Matthew Bishop , American business editor and New York bureau chief at The Economist ; and Hans Vestberg , president and CEO of Ericsson. Around the world, people will be able to particip

Tap Water Contaminant 'Castrates' Frogs

By Liz Szabo, USA TODAY - Mar 1 - 2010

Exposed: Chevron's Cover-up of Gross Environmental Abuses in Ecuador

AlterNet / By Cameron Scott - Mar 8 2010 Chevron claims it's not...

Melting Arctic Could Cost $2.4 Trillion by 2050 - Report

Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada - 02/05/2010 The Pew Environment Group today released a report that...

Primates on Brink of Extinction

National Geographic - A recent report, Primates in Peril: The World's 25 most Endangered Primates 2008-2010, shows staggering estimates that half of all primate species in the world are...

Facing Threat of Empty Oceans

Winnipeg Free Press - By: Gwynne Dyer - 10/03/2010 Everybody in the business knows that the Atlantic population of bluefin... 900 lb Bluefin

Fresh Evidence Global Warming is Man-Made

John von Radowitz - The Scotland Herald - 4 Mar 2010 Climate scientists hit back... EDITOR'S NOTE: Might there soon be too many "brushfires" like these for even our shrill gang of climate-deniers to put out? I certainly hope so! l.p. Crabeater seals. Courtesy of Coolantarctica

Monsanto to Enforce Bt Corn Refuge Rules

MB Co-Operator -Staff - 3/2/2010 Monsanto Canada plans to give corn growers one warning... EDITOR'S NOTE: As far as I'm concerned, farmers who accept this kind of bullshit deserve everything they get! l.p.

Our Brave New World of Globalization - Food and Water Drive an African Land Grab

John Vidal - - the Observer - 7 Mar. 201 An Observer investigation reveals... Inside a greenhouse at a Saudi-financed farm in Ethiopia. Courtesy of EDITOR'S NOTE: Governments and corporate land-grabbers are spreading like a cancer around the world. Please also read here.

A Somber "Global Warning" for Manitoba

by Larry Powell An environmental think-tank is warning that Manitoba faces more frequent and severe droughts and floods, due to climate change. The Winnipeg-based International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), singles out Lake Winnipeg, already besieged by a number of environmental problems, as being particularly vulnerable to further damage as a result of these changes. Lk. Winnipeg photo - Greenpeace It's believed to be the first time such a research group has so clearly spelled out a link between global warming and such obvious consequences as the massive and frequent flooding which has occurred on the Red River over the past century or so. The Institute has done what it calls "a prairie-wide cumulative stress analysis" of prairie water resources. It finds a significant part of southern Manitoba, including much of the Red River Valley, suffers from a high demand for water, a high risk of damage to water quality and, despite the catastr