Friday, December 31, 2010

Hottest Year In History Ends With Freak Climate Disasters

Alternet - Dec 31 2010
As greenhouse pollution continues to build...

Fiji Water Targeted by Class Action Lawsuit for Lying About Their Green Cred

Alternet - De 31 2010
Looks like Fiji Water has stepped in it...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Here's to a Safe, Peaceful and Green 2011!

To my readers,

May you and yours enjoy all the best of the season and the new year.
May 2011 bring more:
  •  Love
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • cleaner, greener attitudes
  • citizens, politicians and industry leaders genuinely dedicated to a better world.
and less
  • War
  • Famine
  • Hunger
  • Disease
  • Pollution
  • Climate change
Larry & Rowena

Amen and Amen. 

Thank you for all the reports and postings...sometimes it feels like you are talking in the dark, I am sure, but people are listening...and you must keep bringing things to our attention.  


    The Gulf of Mexico is Dying

    De'10 By Dr. Tom Termotto - by concernedcitizensofflorida
    A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill

    It is with deep regret that we publish this report.

    Please also read Dr. Termotto's open letter to President Obama.

    Innovation of the Week: Climate Smart Seaweed Farming

    By Matt Styslinger - De '10 - Worldwatch Institute

    At the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in...

    We are Facing the Greatest Threat to Humanity: Only Fundamental Change Can Save Us

    Maude Barlow / Alternet
    Quite simply, human-centered governance systems are not working and we need new economic, development and environmental policies.

    Are CBC’s science reporters violating Mother Corp’s own Journalistic Standards and Practices? (Opinion)

    According to the JSP, “We do not promote any particular point of view.” Yet if you heard our Senior Science Reporter talk about the first pr...