
The US House of Representatives v. the Environmental Protection Agency, Round One

— By Kate Sheppard MotherJones - Jan. 6, 2011 That didn't take long. On the first…

A New Direction in Agriculture: Up

By Emily Voigt - OnEarth - January 3, 2011 The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st Century Designed by Dickson Despommier and architect Eric Ellingsen,  the Pyramid Farm would separate sewage into water and carbon,  used to power lighting and machinery.  

Peter Kent - Hope Or Disappointment?

-by Larry Powell- So Canada has a new Minister of the Environment! Peter Kent used to be a credible journalist with CBC Television News many years ago. But Kent's appointement comes at a time when Canada's reputation on fighting the scourges of climate change remains in the toilet. He takes over from Jim Prentice, who abandon his post late last year to take a cushy job with a major bank which helps enable the Alberta tar sands, the worlds dirtiest energy project. Such, I guess, are the ethical standards to which Stephen Harper holds his appointees! Harper and his minions have been preaching for some time, Canada will follow the US lead and taylor our environmental policies after them. Interesting. Since President Obama is actually doing something concrete about climate change, I guess that means we will be too, then, Mr. Kent? Obama has given the go-ahead to the Environmental Protection Agency to use powers it has held for some time under the Clean Air Act. Bu

Hottest Year In History Ends With Freak Climate Disasters

Alternet - Dec 31 2010 As greenhouse pollution continues to build...

Fiji Water Targeted by Class Action Lawsuit for Lying About Their Green Cred

Alternet - De 31 2010 Looks like Fiji Water has stepped in it...

Here's to a Safe, Peaceful and Green 2011!

To my readers, May you and yours enjoy all the best of the season and the new year. May 2011 bring more:  Love Joy Peace cleaner, greener attitudes citizens, politicians and industry leaders genuinely dedicated to a better world. and less War Famine Hunger Disease Pollution Climate change Sincerely, Larry & Rowena  ====== Amen and Amen.  Thank you for all the reports and postings...sometimes it feels like you are talking in the dark, I am sure, but people are listening...and you must keep bringing things to our attention.   Maggie

The Gulf of Mexico is Dying

De'10 By Dr. Tom Termotto - by concernedcitizensofflorida A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill It is with deep regret that we publish this report. Please also read Dr. Termotto's open letter to President Obama.

Innovation of the Week: Climate Smart Seaweed Farming

By Matt Styslinger - De '10 - Worldwatch Institute At the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in...

We are Facing the Greatest Threat to Humanity: Only Fundamental Change Can Save Us

Maude Barlow / Alternet Quite simply, human-centered governance systems are not working and we need new economic, development and environmental policies.

The Serengeti Highway

Shared by: Jen M. - the Green Pages - on December 28, 2010  Most of us will only ever see a lion... Buffalo photo by    etravelphotos Editor's comment: The Dominion of man over the natural world is nearing completion. Notice, one reason for the highway is to get at material needed to make batteries for hybrid vehicles, widely considered by modern society as a "green" endeavour! Sadly, our assault on Mother Earth will only cease when human populations themselves, through one means or another, are brought within sustainable proportions. l.p.

Sacrificing the Rainforest on the Altar of Energy

By Milagros Salazar * Inter Press Service LIMA, Dec 27, 2010 (IPS/IFEJ) - The construction of five hydroelectric... Tambopata, Peru.  (Photo: k lichstig)