
Mass Tree Deaths Prompt Fears of Amazon 'Climate Tipping Point'

The Guardian - Feb 4 - 2011 Scientists fear billions of tree deaths caused by 2010 drought could see vast forest turn from carbon sink to carbon source Hard-hit by a months-long drought, a waterway within the  Amazon  Basin trickles to a halt in Brazil Photo by National Geographic

Canada Gets Serious About Fighting Climate Change!

Wiarton Willie Stephen Harper's new Chief of Climate Science

Let's Kill GE Alfalfa! Please!

Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it will once again allow unlimited, nation-wide commercial planting of Monsanto’s genetically-engineered (GE) Roundup Ready alfalfa.   This is a profoundly disappointing and disturbing decision. It was hoped by many in the organic farming community that the Obama USDA would recognize the major threat that GMO alfalfa represents to the survival of the thriving organic dairy industry.  But instead the agency decided to appease Monsanto and a handful of other companies that will profit from the additional sales of herbicide that are used on these gene altered plants. The good news is that we’ve stopped GMO alfalfa and beaten Monsanto and the USDA before. And we need your help to do it again. In 2007 we won a reversal of the approval of GE alfalfa.  The court ordered a halt to all sales and planting until the agency could ensure that the environmental and economic impacts could be adequately addresse

Global Food Prices Hit New High

The Telegraph - Feb 3'11 Global food prices have hit a new record high, amid fears that the  escalating cost of bread and meat is adding to the turmoil in the Middle East.

Cyclone Yasi in Australia...Climate Change?

Zachary Shahan - PlanetSave - Feb 3'11 The recent cyclone that nailed Australia, Cyclone Yasi (one of the worst in the country’s history) cannot be conclusively tied to climate change. However, it cannot not be tied to it either.

Billions of Climate Voices - Video


Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife: Not Even Canadians are Safe from the Kochs Anymore!

The idiom “tilting at windmills” (or turbines) derives from the novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. It means to attack imaginary enemies, or fight unwinnable or futile battles. Big Oil and Coal (and others) are in a futile battle against clean energy. Clean energy will inevitably emerge victorious. Unfortunately, when oil billionaire brothers, Charles and David Koch of Koch Industries (apologies for putting their names on the horse and ass’s asses) fight unwinnable battles, you can be certain the pointless battles will last a lot longer than they should. Putting approximately 100 million dollars of their money into right-wing coffers  to keep fellow polluters happy and federal regulations lax, Koch Industries is more than eager to fight a battle that compromises our future and greatly compromises the future of our children. Courtesy of PlanetSave (click pic & story to enlarge)     Please also read: "As Tea Party Koch Brothers Earned An Extra $11 Billio