
National Research Council Disavows GM Wheat

Canadian Biotechnology Action Network Update. Thursday, April 7, 2011: The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) issued a statement to clarify that it has no plans to research genetically modified (GM) wheat. Details here.

Honeybees 'Entomb' Hives to Protect Against Pesticides, Say Scientists

Fiona Harvey 4 Apr'11 By sealing up cells full of contaminated pollen, bees appear to be  attempting to protect the rest of the hive.  Details here.      

Koch Brothers' Deeds Exposed in New Film - Please Donate!

AlterNet Dear Friend, I'm writing to ask you to support an incredibly important film, one that will save lives and thwart what may be the most destructive pair of brothers in American history. A $50 gift today will get you listed as  a "producer" plus this exclusively designed Shepard Fairey t-shirt  with the Koch-topus logo  By now you have probably heard of the nefarious Koch Brothers. They are two super wealthy radical conservatives who are spreading their billions to crush working people, destroy the environment, undermine health care, demean immigrants, avoid responsibility for their own death and destruction, and the list goes on. Already the Koch's have paid $30 million in fines for 300 oil spills, and invested $34 million to support groups who are trying to steal rights away from teachers,fireman, police, nurses -- our neighbors and friends. We have to get the truth about the Koch's to million

Can We Solve Our Environmental Crisis Without Talking About Climate Change and Global Warming?

AlterNet / By Brendan Smith and Jeremy Brecher Poll-oriented groups say that public opinion surveys prove Americans care most about jobs and lack the capacity to act on some distant threat. But here's where they're wrong. Details here.

Record Stratospheric Ozone Loss in the Arctic in Spring of 2011

Geneva, 5 Apr '11 (WMO)  Depletion of the ozone layer- the shield that protects life on Earth from harmful levels of ultraviolet rays - has reached an unprecedented level over the Arctic this spring… Full story here.

How Is Saskatchewan Involved With Japan’s Nuclear Disaster?

BY Jim Harding THE SASKATCHEWAN CONNECTION  Published in R-Town News on April 1, 2011 (Please also read - "Uranium City - a Legacy of Cancer.") The Fukushima’s nuclear reactors which are steadily contaminating Japan’s atmosphere, seashore, watersheds, food chains and making millions of Japanese into nuclear refugees are owned and operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. or Tepco.  Tepco  has Saskatchewan connections. The Globe and Mail describes Tepco as “one of (Cameco’s) largest customers for uranium used to fuel nuclear power plants”, and there is little doubt that much of the radioactive contamination threatening Japan comes from uranium fuel mined in northern Saskatchewan. And Tepco is directly involved in this mining; since the 1990s it has been Cameco’s partner in the massive Cigar Lake mine, which has itself had serious “accidents” and is years behind its production schedule due to recurring underground flooding.  Cameco has taken a big hit since

Election Week 1 - Council of Canadians - Video