
Latest DFO Scientist Muzzling Part of Bigger Pattern Ignored by Media

The Common Sense Canadian - 27 July 2011 - by Rafe Mair The revelation by two Vancouver newspapers that a Department of Fisheries scientist has been muzzled simply underscores how badly they have covered environmental matters in general. Details here.

Mindless Consumers Force Campbell's to Put More Salt Back in Their US Soup!

W. Gifford-Jones MD - 07/22/20 - Wpg. Free Press Consumers killing themselves with salt. Details here.

Pakistan Floods - a Year Later

July 27'11 UN - Rome Smallholders helped back on their feet - but further support needed. Details here. UN photo

The US House Passes a Bill to Fast-Track the Proposed Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline

NRDC Switchboard - Susan Casey-Lefkowitz’s Blog - July 27'11 House under-estimates public concern over oil pipeline spills with bill to rush Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Details here. PLT: Mercifully, this stupid bill passed by the majority cement-heads in the House, will likely not pass the Senate. So, maybe there is still hope (maybe)!  Please watch video, "Say no to the ....pipeline...."

Is The Kremlin Now In Charge? Harper Government Silencing Canadian Artists And Scientists

07/27/11 - 350 or bust The Harper Government is sending out a clear message at home and abroad that if your politics are not correct your art shouldn’t be shown, and if your findings are inconvenient your science doesn’t matter. Details here.                                                                                              Harper rendering by PLT PLT: I wrote the following after reading the "comments" section following the newspaper article.  "The Sun story is excellent. I'd suggest that those who'd like to discredit the paper and its reporters are Harperites who'd rather defend his misguided efforts to stifle science than hear the truth. The "commenter" who actually believes that the journal Science is "activist" would feel right at home with conspiracy theorists everywhere. The only thing the paper missed in this story was Harper's shameful record at muzzling the science of climate change itself, so Canada can pros

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields

Green Economy 22 July 2011 In an effort to rid the country of Monsanto's GMO products, Hungary has stepped up the pace. Details here.


Manitoba News Release - July 26, 2011 The Manitoba government will start construction on an emergency channel out of Lake St. Martin immediately, and Lake Manitoba outflows through the Fairford River water control structure will be unrestricted throughout the winter, as recommended by independent engineering firms KGS and AECOM.   50% more snow than normal last winter was a sinister precursor of  unprecedented flooding in this  province in 2011. PLT.  If construction can be completed by this fall, levels on both lakes would be lowered before spring run-off begins, reducing the likelihood of flooding in 2012.  Several different options were examined by KGS and AECOM with technical support from Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation and Manitoba Water Stewardship.  The option to quickly build an emergency channel that will allow for ongoing maximum flows through the Fairford River water control structure was assessed as the best option to provide emergency re