
The CBC Gives Belated - but Appreciated Coverage of an Issue Critical to Canada and the World!

Image | The Current The Keystone XL project is a proposed pipeline that would carry crude oil from Alberta to Texas. Critics call it a disaster in waiting ... saying the pipeline would pass through many environmentally sensitive areas, and there's little doubt that at some point, there would be big spill. Proponents say the line would give oil hungry Americans a safer supply of oil. And create a lot of jobs in a time where help wanted signs are desperately needed. Click headline for details. Please read update, *below. PLT: Below is a message I sent this morning to "The Current," (with a copy to "The National.)" ===== Dear Piya, Anna-Maria et al, As a faithful listener and environmentalist, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your coverage of the anti-pipeline protests in Washington! To me, these are nothing less than a critical battle against the ravages of climate change. At the heart of this struggle is a Canadian project. The

A Comment "PLT" Left on an American Website

See update, *below. If you enjoy this blog, please consider  donating to the author to keep it going.  Just click on the link below . Thanks! - Larry                                                                                                        PLT: I have just posted the following in the "comments" section of "Common Dreams," an alternative online media in the US. The story was about the critical protests taking place at the White House. Hundreds are there to demand President Obama not allow the proposed Canadian pipeline to carry Alberta tar to the Texas Gulf coast and the profound implications it would have for the environment and climate change: "I just want the world to know from up here in Canada that our flagship TV newscast, CBC's, 'The National,' is studiously avoiding any coverage of the protests so far. Shame on the CBC and the rest of the media for its undercoverage of this critical juncture in the environmental history of our

Jack Layton's Last Letter

"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world."   Read the whole letter here. Jack with his wife, Olivia Chow BBC photo


For Aug. 26, 2011 R-Town papers BY Jim Harding On August 16 th several hundred people walked the green mile along Regina’s Albert Street, taking their call for a provincial nuclear waste ban to the government. They want an end to the industry group, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), negotiating with northern communities to “host” a nuclear dump without the people of Saskatchewan having any say. This was the completion of a 20-day, 820 km walk started July 27 th from Pinehouse. Along the way walkers made new friendships and networks that bring the north and south closer together. At the front of the colourful parade was a big, blue balloon “earth” encircled by cutouts of the world’s children holding hands. There was much magic as I watched, over the heads of the block-long string of people in front of me, as “the earth” bobbed up and down as its carriers led the way. And then I remembered a similar walk, thirty-two years ago, on February 22, 197

Climate Science References for the (US) Campaign Trail

WASHINGTON - August 22   Given that a number of presidential hopefuls have been voicing their opinions recently on climate science, the Union of Concerned  Manitoba's unprecedented, catastrophic floods of 2011 -  the costliest in the province's history. Wpg. Free Press photo. Scientists (UCS) thought it would be helpful to provide a short list of authoritative scientific assessments on climate science... Details here.

Growth of Cities Endangers Global Environment, According to New Analysis

ScienceDaily (Aug. 20, 2011)   The explosive growth of cities worldwide over the next two decades poses significant risks to people and the global environment, according to a meta-analysis Vancouver. PLT photo published August 19 in PLoS ONE. Details here.

Salmon Inquiry to Wade Into Contentious Issues of Fish Farms and Disease

The Canadian Press - Au 20-'11 VANCOUVER - After months of hearings in relative obscurity, the public inquiry into the decline of sockeye along British Columbia's fabled Fraser River is finally bound to grab some headlines. Details here. Courtesy, National Geographic.