
Moving Together - A Successful "Moving Planet" Event


Americans' Divide Over Global Warming Getting Deeper

By CHARLES J. HANLEY - 9/24/2011 Associated Press Despite onslaught of science, resistance to the idea seems to be hardening . Details here.

More Than 100 Arrests in Tar Sands Protest on Parliament Hill

Ottawa - Council of Canadians. Details here.

A Climate Chuckle

Courtesy of Planetsave

Is Rex Murphy About to Damage the CBC's Reputation?

by Larry Rex Murphy, that pompous darling of the CBC's flagship TV newscast, "The National" and CBC Radio's "Cross-Country Checkup," seems about to jump into the murky waters of climate denial. Rex Murphy caricature courtesy  of By the Bay Art Studio "Friends of Science" is announcing  Murphy will speak to the student body at the University of Calgary on September 29th at an event called "Climate Change 101."  The dishonestly named "Friends....." is actually dedicated to sowing doubt and discrediting peer-reviewed science surrounding global warming.  According to the painstakingly-researched book, "Climate Cover-up," "Friends of Science" had its origins in the Calgary oil patch, among geologists and oil industry PR types determined to discredit the Kyoto Protocol. The main sponsor of the event on the 29th is the "Frontier Centre for Public Policy," a conservative &qu

Winnnipeg Free Press Gives Green Party Leader Top Marks in Political Leaders' Debate

Free Press Online - Sept 24 - '11 (Emphasis by PLT) James Beddome  - What he needed to do: When you’re largely an unknown, it’s good to make a good first impression. Most Winnipeggers are probably wondering what the Green Party of Manitoba stands for other than an obvious desire to protect the environment. James Beddome, Leader, Green  Party of Manitoba photo by PLT What he accomplished: Beddome played the perfect foil to the other three leaders and was the best performer of the night . He also got more one-liners in than the others — some were stinging. Plus, getting equal time with the three other party leaders on provincewide television was in itself a victory. Best sound bite: "The reason why our (hydro) rates are being driven up is because of new developments. I’ll point out to Mr. McFadyen it’s not just Bipole III," Beddome said to Selinger. "Gary Filmon was smart enough to say no to Conawapa because he knew it would drive up our energy rates. Are you?&

Governments and the Climate Challenge - Leadership Failure Bordering on Madness

I wrote this story almost three years ago. I am re-posting it because, with the return of a "300 year-flood" like we had in 2011 - THREE YEARS AGO in Manitoba - I continue to be struck by how little things change. So-called rational leaders (and ordinary people) remain in a stupor - an unexplained state of mass delusion and denial - approaching our climate crisis from every direction but the right one.  ============ by Larry Powell If a shrink were to examine the brains of North America's political leaders, what do you suppose she would find? What parts of what lobes would be addressing the cataclysmic changes our planet's climate is undergoing? Are the neurons of these leaders' brains actually transmitting, making them aware that Earth is going through a monumental crisis that needs their immediate attention? Or are they somehow "shorting out," as if each leader was sticking a hairpin in a light socket? Here are just a