
Ethical Oil Argument is Ludicrous

Tom Ford-Wpg. Free Press Oc17'11   What I find galling about Ottawa is that John Baird, the foreign affairs minister, struts around the globe, with his unique gold-embossed calling cards, repeating some dumb arguments about dirty oil. Details here.

7 Billion Humans and Rising Rapidly

DAVID CRARY , Associated Press Oct. 16, 2011 Africa especially will be hard-pressed to provide food and water to its people. Details here.

Occupy Winnipeg! The World-Wide Movement for Justice Catches Fire on the Canadian Prairies (PLT Video)

If you enjoy this blog, please consider donating to the  author to keep it going. Just click on the link below .    Thanks!   Larry Josh Brandon: "One of the things I think that it shows, we have right now a government that is afraid of criticism.  Every time the Harper government hears word or hears voices that it doesn't agree with, its response has been to eliminate funding. So we've seen that, even civil servants now, like Environment Canada, they've had their funding slashed because they are reporting things like global warming, holes in the ozone layer, messages that the federal government does not want to hear. So rather than listen to the science, listen to the scientists, what we've seen is, those voices are being cut. That's true with the environment, womens' groups, it's true with labour." Please also read: "Cold Prairie Winds Not Enough to Drive Winnipeg Occupiers Out of Memorial Park" COMMENT:   Hi Larry, I saw you p

Occupy Winnipeg! Tomorrow (Sat.) 10am at the Legislature. Be There!

What is Occupy Winnipeg all about? Listen to this CBC Radio interview and find out!

Worldwatch Report Focuses on China’s Green Future - & Finds Plenty of Downsides, Too!

By Haibing Ma and Danielle Nierenberg China’s environmental problems remain a cause for global concern as climate change continues to reduce agricultural production and create instability in world food prices, according to The Worldwatch Institute’s... Details here.

Mass Extinctions Linked to Climate Change are Already Underway.

Environmental Health News - Summer - 2011 New evidence confirms what scientists have long suspected: that climate change is already having major effects on many of the world's species. Details here. Endangered Afghan Markhor at  the Winnipeg zoo. PLT photo