
Civil Society Reacts: Papal Encyclical for Climate Action

CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK NGOs have today welcomed Pope Francis’ strong moral case for people and leaders to tackle climate change delivered in today’s historic Papal Encyclical . Story here.

Near a Fracking Center, Drinking Water Has More Chemicals and Carcinogens

inside climate news One of the largest analyses of water quality of aquifers near fracking sites examined samples from 550 wells across the Barnett Shale near Dallas. Story here.

Numbers Show Threatened Bittern is Booming Again

BBC News One of the UK's most threatened birds - the bittern - is returning to England and Wales, according to conservationists. Story here.

Huge Toxic Algal Bloom Shuts Down West Coast Fisheries

CLIMATEPROGRESS Commercial and recreational fisheries up and down the West Coast have been forced to close as a result of a massive toxic algal bloom, which scientists are describing as one of the largest in history. Story here.

Pope Francis Slams GMOs and Pesticides for Environmental and Social Damage

Sustainable Pulse Pope Francis slams both GMOs and pesticides in a draft of his major environmental document that was leaked Monday. He has also called for the financing of independent and interdisciplinary research to study GMOs. Story here. ALSO, READ THE ENCYCLICAL LETTER,  LAUDATO SI’  OF THE HOLY FATHER,  FRANCIS ON CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME . HERE.

The Pope, the Economy and the Case for Climate Action

World Resources Institute This week Pope Francis issues his long awaited Encyclical on Climate Change. The Pope’s message should galvanize support for climate action for the Catholic community and well beyond. It will speak not only to the 5,000 Catholic Bishops, nor only to the 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide, but to all people of goodwill who are open to the moral context of climate change. Story here.