
Climate Scientist Warns Sea Levels Are Rising Faster Than We Thought

climateprogrerss Limiting climate change to 2°C is not going to protect us from devastating sea level rise, a new report has found. Details here.

2015 on Track to Be Hottest Year Yet - Smashing All Previous Records.

Common Dreams PinP photo. ...and 2016 may likely be even hotter, scientists warn. Story here.

Canadians Entitled to “Realistic” Canadian Energy Strategy

Climate Action Network Premiers have agreed to a Canadian Energy Strategy that fails to strongly steer the country toward the clean, renewable energy system needed to cut carbon pollution and protect the climate. Details here.

Canada Joins in Fishing Ban in the Arctic Due to Sea Warming

The New York Times WASHINGTON — The United States and four other nations that border the Arctic Ocean pledged on Thursday to prohibit commercial fishing in the international waters of the Arctic   until more scientific research could be done on how warming seas and melting ice are affecting fish stocks. Details here.

Large Pipeline Spill in Alberta 'Stark Reminder' of Dangers of Tar Sands

Common Dreams Rupture near Fort McMurray may be one of province's largest. Story here.

Widespread and Early Heatwaves Impact Northern Hemisphere, UN Weather Agency Warns

UN News Service. Many parts of Europe have been impacted by a severe and unusually early heatwave since 27 June, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has said, warning of record-breaking temperatures and wildfires in North America and torrential downpours and widespread flooding in southern China. Story here.