
Canada Falls Far Short of Pope Francis’ Call for Ecological Justice.

KAIROS Canada Canada is a prime example of a country that is putting short-term economic interests above what is needed to achieve a livable future for all who dwell on Earth, our common home. Story here.

Bernie Sanders is Drawing Big Crowds -- But How Long Will They Stick Around?

Los Angeles Times The Summer of Sanders — as in Bernie, the Vermont socialist and long-shot presidential hopeful — has featured big crowds flocking to hear the U.S. senator’s fist-shaking message: 8,000 in Dallas, 10,000 in Madison, 11,000 in Phoenix. Story here.

Documents Just Leaked From the Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks Spell Bad News For Our CBC.

Some Of Us If the TPP passes, Crown corporations like the CBC could be required to operate entirely for profit. And worse -- this move could force the CBC to be privatized. The mission of the CBC is to tell the bilingual and multicultural story of Canada – and if this deal passes, its only goal will be corporate profit. Canadian politicians are extremely vulnerable to public pressure right now as they head into one of the longest election campaigns in Canadian history -- let's make sure our CBC is protected and not sold off for profit. Sign the petition to Prime Minister Harper and the Party Leaders: Scrap the TPP and save the CBC! The leaked document from Wikileaks shows that CBC, Canada Post and other Crown corporations could be forced into operating solely for profit if the TPP deal is passed. Harper was gunning to pass the secretive and extreme TPP deal before the election was announced so he wouldn't have to answer to voters on the campaign trail. B

New Zealand Marks End to Coal Power

UPI Last two coal power plants in the country to be decommissioned in 2018. Details here.

Nature Studies: Restoring Natural Habitats is Expensive - But it's Worth Every Penny

The Independent A Monarch butterfly in Canada. PinP photo. If the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, then it seems the price of wildlife in modern Britain is going to be eternal management. Details here.

How Wildfires and Climate Change Can Affect Your Health

By  Courtney Howard   NATIONAL  OBSERVER As an ER doctor in Yellowknife who often sees patients for respiratory ailments, I've taken a special interest in the rash of climate-induced wildfires this summer. Story here.

Cry Me a Tailings Pond, Canada

NATIONAL OBSERVER The United States has its Clean Power Plan. Canada has the tar sands. Story here.

In Victory for Animals and Their Defenders, Judge Strikes Down Idaho 'Ag-Gag' Law

Common Dreams Banning the filming of factory farm operations is an unconstitutional violation of both free speech and equal protection clauses, says federal judge. Story here. If you liked this story, how about this one?   " Farm Sanctuary: A Haven From the Animal Holocaust "

Bombshell Study Reveals Methane Emissions Hugely Underestimated

Common Dreams Findings throw EPA emissions database and countless other fracking studies into question. Story here.

California’s Largest Fire Is Moving At An ‘Unprecedented’ Rate

CLIMATE PROGRESS Wildfires continue to rage in California, where the largest of the 21 blazes covered 65,000 acres Tuesday morning and has killed at least one person. Details here.

Farm Sanctuary: A Haven From the Animal Holocaust

Common Dreams There are mornings when Susie Coston, walking up to the gate of this bucolic farm in her rubber boots, finds crates of pigs, sheep, chickens, goats, geese or turkeys on the dirt road. Sometimes there are notes with the crates letting her know that the animals are sick or injured. The animals, often barely able to stand when taken from the crates, have been rescued from huge industrial or factory farms by activists. Story here.