
No, GMOs Didn't Create India's Farmer Suicide Problem, But…

Mother Jones Some anti-GMO activists have blamed the high suicide rate directly on biotech seeds—specifically, cotton tweaked by Monsanto to contain the Bt pesticide, now used on more than 90 percent of India's cotton acreage. GMO enthusiasts, by contrast, counter that Monsanto's patented seeds are a boon to India's cotton farmers: They've boosted crop yields, driven down pesticide use, and alleviated rural poverty. So which is it? Story here.

Stephen Harper's Covert Evangelicalism

THE T YEE How an apocalyptic strain of Christianity guides his policies and campaigning. Story here.

After Decades of Discrimination, US Farm Workers Get Pesticide Protections

Common Dreams Environmental Protection Agency creates new rules giving equal protection against pesticides to farm workers. Story here.

Stealin' All My Dreams - an Anti-Harper Song by Blue Rodea (Video)


Shell Abandons Alaska Arctic Drilling

theguardian Oil giant’s US president says hugely controversial drilling operations off Alaska will stop for ‘foreseeable future’ as drilling finds little oil and gas. Story here.

Are Plant Infection Rates Increasing For Crops?

Grainews Prairie farmers are spending more time and money on disease prevention than ever before. Story here.