
Behind Closed Doors–the Vulnerability of Big Meat Production

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy More than 400,000  turkies and chickens have been euthenized in massive animal factories in Indiana this past month. It's an attempt to contain a new strain of avian flu in the U.S. Last year, approximately 45 million birds were killed to contain the spread of a different avian flu strain in the U.S. These epidemics are not limited to poultry: two years ago, a massive piglet virus outbreak killed an estimated 10 percent of the U.S. hog population. More here.

Petroperu: Stop Using Children to Clean Up Your Spill! PLEASE SIGN!

ThePetitionSite Amazon regions of Peru have suffered several catastrophic oil spills since January this year. And due to Petroperu's failure to contain the spills, at least 3,000 barrels of oil have polluted two important rivers. According to Oil Change International , the Chiriaco and Morona rivers have been plagued by at least 11 oil spills since 2010. Please sign  here.


IRON EARTH -  Trades Workers for Renewable Energy We can create new jobs while reducing our impact.  DO YOU AGREE?

Last Month We Passed the Climate 'Red Line'

Greenpeace Canada For the first time in recorded history, perhaps the first time in the course of human history temperatures in the northern hemisphere passed 2 degrees C above ‘normal.'   More here.

Keep It In The Ground! Please Sign Petition.

Art by Mona Caron Add your name!

The People of Clyde River, Nunavut Need Your Help. PLEASE SIGN!

Greenpeace Canada People in the coastal town of Clyde River, Nunavut — one of the most remote communities in the world — are protesting dangerous oil exploration in their waters. They are taking legal action to protect Canada’s Arctic and the mammals that thrive there from seismic blasting and have just been granted leave to appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada. p style="margin:0px 0px 0px 38px;"> A five-year oil exploration project has been approved without Inuit consent off Clyde River’s coast, which allows seismic blasting — a process of firing loud sonic explosions through the ocean to find oil — as a first step towards dangerous Arctic oil drilling. But it’s not just the oil drilling that’s dangerous — these explosions can disrupt migration paths of marine animals like narwhals, belugas, and bowheads, sometimes causing permanent hearing loss, and in the worst case, even death. Join this brave community in their fight to protect their home and their trad

The Hidden Driver of Climate Change That We Too Often Ignore

The Washington Post. PinP photo. Humans are making global warming worse, all right — but in more ways than you think. More here.