
New Uncovered Corporate Documents Show #ExxonKnew Much Earlier Than Previously

EcoWatch Throughout Exxon ’s global operations, the company knew that CO2 was a harmful pollutant in the atmosphere years earlier than previously reported. Story here.

EarthWatch - News of What's Happening ON And TO Planet Earth


Dear Future Generations - Sorry! (Video)


Manitoba Hog Barn Building Expected to Gain Momentum

THE WESTERN PRODUCER Applications are expected to increase with lifting of moratorium. Story here.

Bee Victory in Europe - Let's Party!

RIVER ON FIRE! Gas Explodes From an Australian River Near a Fracking Site.


Climate Change Has All But Destroyed Great Barrier Reef, Study Confirms

CommonDreams More than 90 percent of world's largest living ecosystem has been hit by "severe" coral bleaching. More here.