
Luck Rides The Rails: Another Near Miss with an "Insane" Bakken Oil Bomb Train

DESMOG Luck was in abundance on Friday in Mosier, Oregon where the latest Bakken oil train derailed and erupted into flames near a 50-home residential area and a school.  STORY HERE.

#WorldMeatFreeDay: A Great Day to Consider How Daily Food Choices Impact People and Planet

EcoWatch It’s back! Today was  #WorldMeatFreeDay , a great time to think about how the everyday choices we make about the food we eat can impact our health and the health of the planet.  Story here.

Morneau Eyes Federal Tax on Carbon

THE GLOBE AND MAIL Finance Canada is quietly pushing the idea of a federal carbon tax as the Liberal government looks to set a minimum national price and complement provincial carbon pricing plans, sources say. Story here.

Warming Ocean Water Undercuts Antarctic Ice Shelves

National Snow & Ice Data Centre “Upside-down rivers” of warm ocean water threaten the stability of floating ice shelves in Antarctica, according to a new study led by researchers at the National Snow and Ice Data Center published today in Nature Geoscience . The study highlights how parts of Antarctica’s ice sheet may be weakening due to contact with warm ocean water. Story here.

87,000 NASA Images Show a Greening Arctic

EcoWatch Golfing in Greenland. Photo by  Graphicos The northern edge of North America is getting steadily greener . In the most detailed study so far of plant growth across Alaska and Canada, scientists say that about a third of the land cover now looks less like tundra, and more like a warmer ecosystem. Story here.

Whistleblower Says EPA Officials Covered Up Toxic Fracking Methane Emissions for Years

Nation of Change Why has the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) failed to take adequate action against disastrous, climate-warming methane emissions from the fracking industry?  An environmental watchdog alleges that the answer may be… Story here.