
An Open Letter to the Premier of Manitoba.

Dear Premier Pallister: from John Fefchak. I have concerns and am speaking out for the despair of Lake Winnipeg and our precious water sources in Manitoba.

Save BC's Ancient Temperate Rainforest. PLEASE SIGN!

A Portrait of a Man Who Knows Nothing About Climate Change

New York In his interview with the New York Times , Donald Trump expressed more flexibility on climate change, which he has previously called a hoax created by China . That is the good news. The bad news is that Trump’s lack of commitment to the cause of climate-science denial is rooted in a comprehensive failure to grasp the issue. Story here.

ALUS Canada to launch New Acre Project

Manitoba Co-Operator Donor dollars will be matched with individual projects they choose. Story here.

Building a greener future

nature climate change The built environment will play a key role in determining future emissions, so it is essential that low-carbon infrastructure and design are implemented. Story here.

'Shockingly Stupid' Attack on Science: Trump to Eliminate NASA Climate Research

CommonDreams President-elect plans to entirely slash climate science in favor of deep space exploration. Story here.