
Rush hour pollution may be more dangerous than you think

ScienceDaily In-car air study of commuting cars finds dangers to human health. Story here. Traffic jam in Jasper Nat'l. Park CA. PinP photo.

Oilsands insider wanted for questioning in Exxon probe

National Observer A Canadian oilpatch insider has suddenly become a key figure in a high-profile investigation of a possible climate change "fraudulent scheme" at fossil fuel giant Exxon Mobil. Story here.

Exxon Fined $2M for 'Reckless Disregard' of Sanctions During Tillerson Era

EcoWatch "It's time  Rex Tillerson  step down or be removed," said Gigi Kellett of  Corporate Accountability International , following an announcement on Thursday that  ExxonMobil  will pay $2 million for violating U.S. sanctions against Russian officials while the now-secretary of state was the company's CEO. Story here.

Ancient Italian fossils reveal risk of parasitic infections due to climate change

ScienceDaily Rise in trematodes could occur much sooner than thought, according to new study. Story here. Yellow papillae flatworm or trematode  in Micronesia.  Photo by  Betty Wills .

Study Calls for Rapid "Negative Emissions" as Scientist Warns "Shit's Hitting the Fan"

Common Dreams New study, led by James Hansen, is meant to bolster climate kids' case against the federal government. Story here.

There’s literally a ton of plastic garbage for every person on Earth

The Washington Post More than 9 billion tons of plastic has been produced since 1950, and the vast majority of it is still around. Story here. Plastic waste on a beach in India. Photo by  Hajj0 ms