Friday, May 31, 2019

Conservationists find protected areas worldwide are shrinking

Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada.
A PinP photo.
A large international team of researchers reports that the amount of land designated as protected around the globe is shrinking. Story here.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A warming Arctic produces weather extremes further south!

The Northern Hemisphere Jet Stream can be seen crossing
Cape Breton Island in Eastern Canada. A NASA photo.
Atmospheric researchers have developed a climate model that can accurately depict the frequently observed winding course of the jet stream, a major air current over the Northern Hemisphere. It demonstrates that the jet stream's wavelike course and subsequent extreme weather conditions like cold air outbreaks in Central Europe and North America are the direct results of climate change. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Jane Fonda Speaks Out on Behalf of Greenpeace. "The Environment Needs Our Help!" (Video)

Stop using taxpayers’ money to destroy the world: Guterres

UN News
Fires around Fort McMurray, Alberta, 2016. 
The red dots show active fires.The European Space Agency.
The idea that subsidizing fossil fuels is a way to improve people’s lives could not be more wrong, says António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, because it means spending taxpayers’ money to “boost hurricanes, spread droughts, melt glaciers, bleach corals: destroy the world.” Story here.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Soil communities threatened by destruction, instability of Amazon forests

 In this image, intact forest is deep green, while cleared areas are tan (bare ground) or light green (crops, pasture, or occasionally, second-growth forest). The fish-bone pattern of small clearings along new roads is the beginning of one of the common deforestation trajectories in the Amazon. 
A NASA photo.
The clearing and subsequent instability of Amazonian forests are among the greatest threats to tropical biodiversity conservation today. Story here.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Will the rich escape climate apocalypse?

New Internationalist
The dirty grey is smoke from Alberta wildfires this year.
Photo by NASA.
The billionaire class is preparing for doomsday. Only problem is, the rest of us aren't invited. Story here.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Albertans lose more than they gain with carbon tax repeal


Slave Lake, Alberta, June 2011. The aftermath of the wildfire 
that destroyed one third of the town. Photo by Mrsramsey.
Pembina Institute reacts to repeal of Alberta’s Climate Leadership Act. Story here.

Are CBC’s science reporters violating Mother Corp’s own Journalistic Standards and Practices? (Opinion)

According to the JSP, “We do not promote any particular point of view.” Yet if you heard our Senior Science Reporter talk about the first pr...