Sunday, January 12, 2025


By Larry Powell

 In a sane world, the American people would be holding Trump's feet to the (wild) fire for doing absolutely nothing, or, should I say, ALL THE WRONG THINGS regarding our rapidly-worsening climate calamity. As flames consume the LA area - he's nominated AN ADAMENT CLIMATE DENIER - the CEO of a fracking co. - as Energy Secretary! The best this master finger-pointer (Trump) can do is, as usual, blame others who actually grasp the science, like the Governor there or anyone else but himself. By boosting fracking & other disastrous energy projects, he's CULPABLE & has been since he first slithered into public life, for the weather disasters that have uprooted, killed, or ruined the lives of many Americans, his own "base" included. His ignorant hands are dirty and will remain so until either he or I die. Trump and the millions who voted for him are either just plain illiterate or wilfully (and maliciously) stupid in this regard. Meanwhile, any Canadian voices who might oppose him on this front are, sadly, missing in action. To commentators on the CBC, even among our emerging political leaders - it's all about the tariffs - nothing else. How do they expect our economy to endure on a landscape that's charred and lifeless? Oh, I know! Let's choose ANOTHER climate moron as our next national leader here in your country & mine!

That'll fix it!

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