The RAM'S HORN - Brewster Kneen
There is a cancer referred to as The Economy which is growing world-wide – in Canada, the USA, Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey, Mexico. It accompanies a notion – nay, ideological fantasy – that growth is a universal remedy for an ailing – or failing – economy. This is profoundly odd since the primary characteristic of cancer is that it endeavours to consume its host. Details here.
The City of Vancouver, CA - another of the
world's "growth centres." PLT photo.
A great read. I refer to corporate greed,and it is very costly; as "some governments" now are just beginning to realize. "Tolerating something that is wrong,does not make it right!"
The lesson here,is this: Steady incremental growth within a given interval is called "exponential growth" and any scientist worth his or her degree knows that nothing in the universe grows exponentially indefinitely. There is a limit
Yet economists,business people,corporations and politicians assume that the explosive increase in income,consumer goods and GNP (and inflation) of the past years and decades must be maintained to sustain our quality of life.
Historians know that this growth is an aberration, a blip that must inevitably stop and reverse itself.
Unfortunately, our Prime minister Harper, with his economic degree, along with his followers,have not, as yet come to the inevitable realization that there is a limit of growth sustainability.
The Captain of the Titanic learned a lesson, but it was too late!
Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice than we do.
Wendell Berry
(Amen...Maggie Romak)
Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice than we do.
Wendell Berry
(Amen...Maggie Romak)
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