
The Swine Flu Scare Lays Bare the Meat Industry's Monstrous Power

By *Mike Davis . Posted April 28, 2009 . (Photo courtesy of "Centre for Research on Globaliziation" ) Animal husbandry now more closely resembles the petrochemical industry than the happy family farm. Click on title for more ... ====== Please also read - Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms - by F. William Engdahl AND Swine Flu Is Related to Virus Born on U.S. Hog Factories in 1998 AND A FOOD SYSTEM THAT KILLS New from GRAIN - April 2009 SWINE FLU IS MEAT INDUSTRY'S LATEST PLAGUE Read more here... COMMENT: Johanne Dion said... Very few seem to want to ask the question: how do these epidemics start and what can we do to avoid them? Seems to me that factory farming is just begging for these new virus mutations while creating pools of superbugs by using micro-dosing of antibiotics. A productive thing than anybody in an industrialized country can do is to buy pork and ham that comes from a family size, almost organic pig farm, and avoid all prepared meats that come fr

"Big Pharma" Poisons the World's Rivers

Cocktail of Pharmaceuticals Found in the Fish Caught Near Major U.S. Cities - 3/26/2009 - (NaturalNews) - Pharmaceutical pollution is out of control, polluting the waterways of our world to such a disturbing degree that now even the fish are carrying detectable levels of pharmaceuticals in their own bodies! A study conducted by Baylor University... read more... Also... WORLD'S HIGHEST DRUG LEVELS ENTERING INDIA STREAM By MARGIE MASON PATANCHERU, India (AP) — When researchers analyzed vials of treated waste water taken from a plant where about 90 Indian drug factories dump their residues, they were shocked. Enough of a single, powerful antibiotic was being spewed into one stream each day to treat every person in a city of 90,000.

Why the Free Market Doesn't Work - Especially Regarding our Environment

Why the Free Market Doesn't Work: Consumption vs. Conservation by Mike Adams, "The Health Ranger"

Ocean Dead Zones Likely To Expand

ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news and science breakthroughs. Increasing Carbon Dioxide And Decreasing Oxygen Make It Harder For Deep-sea Animals To Breath ScienceDaily (Apr. 18, 2009) — New calculations made by marine chemists from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) suggest that low-oxygen "dead zones" in the ocean could expand significantly over the next century. As more and more carbon dioxide dissolves from the atmosphere into the ocean, marine animals will need more oxygen to survive. Read more here... About all that can survive in these dead zones are vast hordes of slimy, amorphous, useless jellyfish (r.). They can inflict painful stings on swimmers who fail to heed warning signs (l.) l.p.

13 Breathtaking Effects of Cutting Back on Meat

By Kathy Freston, AlterNet. Posted April 22, 2009. The meat industry contributes to land degradation, climate change, air pollution, water shortage and pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Read more here.... Photos by L.P. Click on "Water" and "Livestock" labels to the right for related stories.

Honeybees Continue to Vanish: Don't Blame Aliens -- It's Our Addiction to Pesticides

By Evaggelos Vallianatos, Posted April 16, 2009. The chemicals we use in industrial agriculture cause brain damage to the bees, making it often impossible for them to find their way home. Click on headline for the full story. Please also read - Should Pesticide "Regulators" & Politicians Face Penalties for Refusing to Protect Honeybees? and "Lament for the Honeybee" here. Photo courtesy

News Release – Green Party of Manitoba

Apr. 19th, 2009 - Brandon, MB. Read related story here. The leader of the Green Party of Manitoba, James Beddome, is challenging Premier Doer to make Manitoba the first western province to ban lawn and garden chemicals. Just weeks ago, Ontario became just the second jurisdiction in the country to do away with the so-called “cosmetic” use of pesticides, long considered a health hazard, especially to children. Beddome says such a ban would do a lot to enhance the image Mr. Doer has been promoting of himself as a “green” leader. He further challenges the Premier to call on Ottawa for an immediate halt to the introduction of any further genetically-engineered crops in this country. Beddome says, contrary to industry hype, GMO crops require more, not less, pesticides to ensure their success. Meanwhile, there is mounting and credible evidence that these pesticides are harmful, both to human health and the natural environment. CONTACT: James Beddome - (204) 990-5195 Or