
Citing Drug Resistance, U.S. Restricts More Antibiotics for Livestock

GARDINER HARRIS - New York Times - January 4'12 WASHINGTON — Federal drug regulators announced on Wednesday that farmers and ranchers must restrict their use of a critical class of antibiotics in cattle, pigs, chickens and turkeys because such practices may have contributed to the growing threat in people of bacterial infections that are resistant to treatment. Details here. PLT photo PLT: What about Canada?

Harper's office Won't Comment on Lockout at Plant he Used to Tout Business Tax Cuts

By: Bruce Cheadle, The Canadian Press - 01/4/2012 OTTAWA - The Conservative government is washing its hands of a nasty labour lockout at a locomotive plant in London, Ont., that was once used by Prime Minister Stephen Harper as a backdrop to tout business tax breaks. Details here.

Canadian CEOs vs. the 99%: No Contest When it Comes to Pay

Jan 3'12 - Cdn. Centre for Policy Alternatives TORONTO—The highest paid 100 CEOs on Canada’s TSX Index had reason to cheer the New Year: By noon January 3, they had already pocketed $44,366 – what it takes the average wage earner an entire year to make. Details here. Please also read: "The People's Corporation Loses the Common Touch"    and "Of Banksters, Occupiers and Head-Knockers."

Canada's Top Ten Weather Stories for 2011

Environment Canada  1. Historic Flood Fights in the West . Details here. 2. Please also read: "Second Warmest Year on Record for the United Kingdom"    Ice suspended in roadshide shrubs,  a testament to how deep the floodwater  had been in the ditch before it subsideed. Spring '11 - western Manitoba. PLT photo

Spill Makes Waves Amid Brazil Oil Boom

Vincent Bevins, Los Angeles Times De 31 '11 Brazil's plan to become a top petroleum producer is grounded in the state-run oil company's difficult deep-water extraction project. So a relatively small offshore spill has stirred big concern. Details here.

CWB: Farmers Should Sue for Damages

By John W. Warnock, The Leader-Post December 31, 2011 The Harper government has quickly pushed through legislation abolishing the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) single desk. This was done without... Combine in wheat field. PLT photo

The People's Corporation Loses the Common Touch

If you like this blog, please consider making a donation. Thanks! Larry Dear Editor, It's sometimes referred to as "the people's corporation." I don't believe the CBC deserves that endearing title any longer. Just last night, we were treated to another spectacle on "The National." Each member of the high-profile "At-Issue" Panel, to one degree or another, pooh-poohed almost every question posed by viewers as part of a year-end special. No, they chimed, there is no serious gap between the rich and poor in this country. On the contrary, Andrew Coyne informed us, huge progress is being made in reducing poverty in Canada.  Rex Murphy seconded the motion, reminding us, we've actually never had it so good! (Rex seldom opens his mouth but to change feet!)  No, the Occupy Movement has had no real impact. (No one offered, of course, that this might be because blind, narrow and stupid politicians refuse to recognize good, new

‘Secret’ Environment Canada Study Warns of Oil Sands’ Impact on Habitat

Postmedia News  22'11 - Mike De Souza OTTAWA — Contamination of a major western Canadian river basin from oil sands operations is a “high-profile concern” for downstream communities and wildlife, says a newly-released “secret” presentation... Details here. Courtesy of the Guardian

Santa, Give Our Farmers Some Love

Laura Rance Wpg Free Press 12/24/2011 Some moisture, some better prices very welcome under the tree. Details here.

The True Spirit of Christmas is Alive and Well in Winnipeg!

For a few years now, my stepdaughter, Coralee Crowe, has been involved with some friends, making blankets and distributing them at random to needy people in the City of Winnipeg at Christmas time. This year was no exception.  I decided it's time to put aside for awhile, the usual kinds of stories on this blog, (which some might consider "gloom & doomish,") so that my readers (and I) can be reminded, there's another world out there, where hope for a better future burns as brightly as ever.   And where people like Coralee never give up that hope. Coralee, your mom and I are proud of you!  If your objective this year was to make a difference in someone's life by your contribution to 100 Good Deeds, then consider your mission accomplished.     Below is Coralee's report to friends and family on how things went this year (2011).  Larry. == "Cael, myself, Terry and Heather headed out last evening to accom

Greg Selinger Strikes a Blow for Fire Safety - Shuts Down "Occupy Winnipeg!"

If you like this blog, please consider a donation. Thanks! Larry PLT: Congratulations, Mr. Premier, I feel much safer now that you have evicted the three remaining protestors from the camp in Memorial Park. It was, after all, a firestorm waiting to happen - perhaps enveloping your place of business - the provincial legislature - if not much of the capitol, itself! (Sarcasm intended.) Might we now expect provincial authorities to move in on owners of million dollar homes and evict them under cover of darkness, if they do not have firewalls installed between their houses and attached garages?   Of course not. That would be ridiculous!  But is it any less ridiculous to bring down the heavy hand of government on the Occupiers and no one else? The inference here seems to be that any fire where there are a few tents - (perhaps $89 specials from Canadian Tire?) would represent a much larger hazard to public safety than the massive fire which recently destroyed the huge home in Li