
Highly Hazardous Pesticides Should be Phased out in Developing Countries

UN Food & Agriculture Organization Tragedy of poisoned school children in India provides another reminder. Details here.

Signs Of Change

by Christine I’ve been blogging about climate change since my conversion from being a climate change avoider to a climate activist/fossil fuel abolitionist in the fall of 2009. As a climate change avoider, I…. full story here. PLT: I had the honour of meeting Christine Penner Polle at an "Occupy" event in Winnipeg in 2011. She is not only a sincere individual, dedicated to doing something tangible about the impending (& present) tragedy of a climate in crisis, (among other things, as a long-time member of the "Citizens Climate Lobby), she shows reasoned and remarkable restraint when writing about this highly-charged issue while too many others partake in emotional rants which generate more heat than light. Well-done Christine! Long live your excellent blog, "350 or Bust!"   Larry

Editorial: Rough Road Ahead for Canada's New Environment Minister

Montreal Gazette With the announcement of Leona Aglukkaq as the new federal environment minister in last week’s cabinet shuffle, the prime minister’s office highlighted her Inuk heritage and connection to Canada’s Arctic region as among the assets she will bring to her new executive role. Full story here.

Stop Big Coal From Killing the Great Barrier Reef! Please Sign!

Dear Avaazers,  The Great Barrier Reef is at risk of being dredged to make way for a mega coal project. But if one key investor walks away, the deal would be sunk and the World Heritage Site protected. We can convince them to pull out, or get PM Rudd to stop the plan, but we have to act now --  sign this urgent petition to help save the Great Barrier Reef:  It would be hard to make this stuff up.  Australia’s legendarily irresponsible mining industry has a new plan:  while the planet faces catastrophic climate change, build the world’s largest coal mining complex, and then build a shipping lane to that port straight through the greatest ecological treasure we have - the Great Barrier Reef! This is a terrible idea with devastating consequences, and the investor group Aurizon that’s backing it know it. They’re getting cold feet, and  we might be able to push them over the edge, and kill the project.  One of the main potential funders has even donated to climate activism!  If one mi

Cost of Arctic Methane Release Could Be 'Size of Global Economy', Experts Warn

Science News Researchers have warned of an "economic time-bomb" in the Arctic, following a ground-breaking analysis of the likely cost of methane emissions in the region. Details here.

Farmers Seek Environmental Assessment of GM Alfalfa From Ontario Government

National Farmers Union Two farmers have formally asked the Ontario government to carry out an environmental assessment of genetically modified (GM) alfalfa before the seed is sold in the province. Today, they launched an application under Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights, the first ever request relating to the issue of GM crops.