Monday, November 18, 2013

Feeding the Flame of Revolt

OpEd News - by Chris Hedges

New York - I was in federal court here Friday for the sentencing of Jeremy Hammond to 10 years in prison for hacking into the computers of a private security firm that works on behalf of the government, including the Department of Homeland Security, and corporations such as Dow Chemical. Details here.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Arctic 30 Day 59: Global solidarity protests


Hi Larry,
263 cities, 43 countries. Today, thousands of people took their outrage over the ongoing detention of the Arctic 30 straight to the doorsteps of Russian embassies and oil giants Shell and Gazprom. In a massive global day of action people all over the world demanded the release of the Arctic 30 and showed the oil companies that we will not let them get away with the silencing of peaceful protest.

Stop the Bee-Killing Lawsuit Against the EU! - Please Donate!

In just 3 weeks, Bayer could succeed in defeating the bees' best chance of survival -- by overturning Europe's landmark ban on the pesticides that are killing them. Details here.

Bees on sunflower. PLT photo.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blame Canada’s Carbon Complacency for the Philippine Typhoon


Anyone who thinks that this typhoon is not due to the atmospheric disruption and rising sea levels resulting from our changing climate has their head firmly planted in the comfortable soil of ignorance, ideology or both. Details here.

Friday, November 15, 2013

US Backs Away From Years of Commitment to Producing Ethanol Fuel Additive

Huffington Post

The Obama administration wants to reduce the amount of ethanol in the nation's fuel supply, acknowledging the biofuel law championed by both parties in 2007 is not working as well as expected. Full story here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Harper and Enbridge Join Forces on Lawsuit

Dear Larry,
Big Oil and the Harper government have officially tied the knot. 
It’s now ForestEthics Advocacy and Co-Plaintiff Donna Sinclair vs. 
the Federal Government, the National Energy Board (NEB) and 
Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
A Federal Appeals Court Judge recently ordered that Enbridge 
could join our lawsuit as a Co-Respondent. In its Motion to 
intervene, Enbridge argued that any delay in its plans to transport 
tar sands crude through its Line 9b pipeline—running from Sarnia 
to Montreal and through Toronto—would hurt its bottom line. In fact, 
they said their economic rights were at stake in describing their 
legal interest in the outcome of this lawsuit.
Enbridge's position couldn't be clearer: Profits trump YOUR 
DEMOCRATIC RIGHT to speak freely about tar sands pipeline 
projects at hearings conducted by the NEB.
Well, we have a message for Enbridge that they can't bury under the 
weight of their hefty financial coffers. And we need your help to 
deliver it.
 Spread the word by sharing this photo of an Enbridge Energy bill 
on Facebook, Twitter, and with your address book contacts. Better yet, 
if Enbridge is your energy service provider, please get out your monthly 
bill and write your own message! You can add it to our Facebook album 
or email it to us and we'll add it for you. We will then send all the pictures 
we receive to Enbridge’s headquarters in Calgary.
The fact that Enbridge has gone to the trouble of joining our lawsuit 
means they're worried. And justifiably so. If we win in the Federal Court 
of Appeal, two things happen:
  1. The new rules that make it so difficult for Canadians to apply to 
  2. participate in NEB public hearings on pipeline projects—not just 
  3. Enbridge Line 9b but all pipeline projects across Canada—get axed.
  4. The NEB hearings process on Line 9b will be re-opened and the 
  5. agency will be required to give everyone the chance to voice his or 
  6. her concerns about this project.
We may be the underdog in this fight but that makes us no less likely to 
succeed, as the legendary story of David and Goliath proves. Canada’s 
best-known constitutional lawyer Clayton Ruby is representing us and 
thanks to your generosity, we’ve now raised $150,000 to offset a number 
of costs related to this suit.
Please take action today! Either share our photo or post your own now 
and let Enbridge know that you will not be silenced!  
Thank you,

Tzeporah Berman
Board Member, ForestEthics Advocacy

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hydro's Nelson River Sturgeon Plan Problematic: Expert

Winnipeg Free Press 

A Canadian expert on lake sturgeon poured cold water Wednesday on Manitoba Hydro’s plans to re-stock the Nelson River with the prehistoric fish after the Keeyask generating station is built. Full story here.

Are CBC’s science reporters violating Mother Corp’s own Journalistic Standards and Practices? (Opinion)

According to the JSP, “We do not promote any particular point of view.” Yet if you heard our Senior Science Reporter talk about the first pr...